Zaxun Locks down the Palisades
Well, it looks like the Trap that Thunderman and HC (With Purple Lace's aid) set on Xun'rok's behalf works. Xun'rok, Commander of the...

What a party!
Within the Provenance gathered all manner of dreamer and creature called together by Cianne. None could fully foretell her devious plan....

Najerv Torek and Avayla Wed
It is my pleasure to announce the wedding of Najerv and Avalya. This couple was wed at the conclusion of Cianne's Costume Ball,...
Traps in the Prison
While the group was in the palisades for Purple Lace's Rev-Be-Gone event, it was found that a recent attempt to de-activate the portal...
More Evernight Storms....
Well, Yet another incident of the void storm on the facade of Evernight Plateau. This time it disgorged Raichuelle, who promptly ran...

More Evernight Storms... Oh Crap....
So, the storms that I reported on a couple of weeks ago were back again last night. This time, instead of eating a darkmare... they spit...
Almost the end...
Edgeward Barrows, Ward trap. Aileron, Arnaya and myself barely escape with our avatars intact. Zaxun is out for blood!
Broken Blade and Fractured Frey
It is my sad duty to report the loss of two more dreamers to the Mace of Castigation and the Vanguard General, Zaxun. Zaxun was located...
Cianne's Gala Ball
Last evening, Cianne held the Winter formal ball in the Hidden Ballroom in Threshold Pits. The event had an exceptional turn out, and...
Foulmoth gets Eggcited
Last night, while Members of House Calenture were working on a house project (With a number of on-lookers) in the Grand Forge in...