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Zaxun Falls, Xun'rok Takes Charge

Xun'rok decided that the time had come to put an end to Zaxun, and led a group of the cities dreamers into the palisades and Zaxun's prison. On the way, the group was confronted with the Revenants of Kaihan, Sorsha, Bladeslayer, and Frey. Forced to defeat them while Xun'rok activated portals on the way in.

Finally, the group (Consisting mainly of OoL and HC members. Off Kilter, Aileron, Xererth, Thunderman, Uthanatos, Magnum-425, Aidan Finnegan, Purple Lace, and Tember) confronted Zaxun and was able to overcome him. He was able to use the power of the mace to Restore himself, and had to fought to incoherance a 2nd time before Xun'rok was able to bring Dreamstrike to bear on him.

Xun'rok seems to have taken Zaxun's Soul Essence, and immediately transported himself into the Union of the Covenant House, where he overcame and drained the essence of Lady Justice (The spirit manifest of the house) and exile Jiovanni. Once the house portals were weakened, Xun'rok spoke to the assembled dreamers and told them that he was declaring himself the protector of the city and claimed all of the strongholds as his own. He apparently is now engaged in draining power and overcoming the house spirits from all of the closed houses at least to build himself up further to face some coming threat.

The Soul Essences of those that Zaxun had struck were retrieved and brought to the mace, where it had fallen in the palisades (The mace itself seems immovable), and were all successfully revived, except for Lothrick who's Soul Essence was destroyed by Kael Lupich. Keep an eye out here for more updates about this situation.

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