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What a party!

Within the Provenance gathered all manner of dreamer and creature called together by Cianne.

None could fully foretell her devious plan.

Tricks were played, treats were given

We really felt that we were livin'!


Anasina (Bat): Raven curls are held back in a long, curly ponytail, held by a plum ribbon, little black bat ears made of felt attached to a black headband on her head. She wears a black short black dress with a sheer back, the skirt fading into a dark, sparkly plum. Black tights adorn her legs under knee-high black boots with purple laces. On her back are a pair of black bat wings, all sparkly with glitter and wispy, transparent fabric hanging down to her rump in between in plum & black. A berry, crystal bracelet on wrist.

Aileron (Newlie): Stands 6'2, his whole avatar is a chalky color, features defined enough to discern him as who he is but not enough to fully recognize him as he is.

Flower of Cienn (Black Widow Spider): Flower is dressed as a slutty black widow spider. Her torso is padded, and bottom-heavy with a red diamond on her belly. Gangling from each side are 4 hairy arms. Glued to her face are bunches of googly eyes! She is covered in glittery abyss paint. There is a patch missing from her chest showcasing her spider cleavage. When you make eye contact with her she winks at you and shimmies dem boobies. There is a hungry look in her eyes.

Cianne (Strawberry): Her arms,legs and face are painted a brilliant red and protrude from a bulky, red satin covered piece of foam in the shape of an upside down triangle. rounded off at the top edges and the bottom point. Crushed yellow topaz bits are embedded into the material throughout, resembling tiny seeds. On the top of her head,two leaves and a stem of bright green felt.

WishBringer (Cianne): Dreamer looks amazingly like Cianne.

Hael Frost (Harlequin Ballerina): A stoic young lady.Her dusty pink eyes have thick lashes and a black point that travels down from both eyes.Her face is whitened and features rosey cheeks and red lips. Hair is pulled back into a bun, rest of it hangs lose.A tiny red pointed hat sits crooked on her head.Small wings end in gold. Around her neck is a white ruffle collar.Her hands are gloved.She wears ballet attire featuring a black, red, and gold diamond design.Black and white virtical striped tights meet with her black pointe shoes.

Purple Lace (Ghazgkull): Wearing armor obviously not designed for her small frame, the heaviness of the City Guard uniform hangs from shoulders which are overly padded. An extremely long sword drags behind her, clearly too heavy for her to wield. Around her neck hangs a City Guard emblem, making her lean forward due to the massiveness of the metal it's forged out of. Prone to massive grunts & saying "Har Har" frequently.

Golah (Asmodan): Dressed in all black with white hair, this dreamer wears the Mask of Asmodan, his index finger glows a fire red.

Dimitri Raith (Clockwork Angel): A blank white mask covers his entire face. His long, white hair hangs loose and straight down around his face and shoulders. His naked, well muscled torso is naked and painted with glowing azure runes. On his back are a pair of large, metallic wings and a clockwork mechanism that allows them to fold up or expand to their full wing-span. He wears his regular abyss leather pants, bracers and boots.

Najerv Torek (Darkmare): Covered in a Black slimy skin, The odor is very putrid almost like a rotting flesh. Long green claws on both hands dripping a black goo from them. a cloak thrown over but you can only see the yellow eyes within. a strong firm tails swings as he moves.

Avayla (Darkmare): A creature with patches of black, charred leathery skin wears a hooded cloak. Red orbs glow within the hooded shadows. Its arms and hands appear thin, with long sharp talons. Its protruding ribcage lacks flesh of any kind, but emits a foul stench. A thick tail coated in scales sweeps behind the form, leaving a trail of green slime.

Arnaya (Beansidhe/Banshee): A waifish figure with soft feminine curves, clad only in the fragments of a dirty white, tattered gown. The sheer and torn fabric constantly seeming on the verge of revealing more than it covers, but never seeming to get there. Her loose, irish red hair and pale gown fragments flutter around as if caught in a breeze. Deep green eyes gleam balefully from her pale, drawn face. Her lips curled in a bitter sneer. A constant, barely audible wail of despair surrounds her and she seems to drift instead of walk.

Nathan(Xun'rok): Wearing an ivy crown spray pained blue and having dark eye contacts. Nathan appears to be a short Xun'rok.

Arlyana Jax (Corpse Bride): A skeleton shrouded in an antique wedding gown. The lace cuffs and neckline are torn and spattered with blood. The satin corset hangs awkwardly off the ribcage. The length of the skirt varies with jagged angles and different hues of dirt. A long hole-filled train trails behind, swishing softly with any movement. A gossamer veil hangs obscuring the head and face. A golden ring on the left ring finger is the only adornment.

Favours and treats

Witches Brew! Cauldrans of murky bubbling liquid are placed along the ledge of the fountain. Steam rises from them filling the air with the scent of cinnamon and spiced cloves.

Strawberry Daquiris

A fruity concoction of alchoholic goodness. Made with fresh strawberries, a splash of lime juice, and a good amount of light rum. Mixed and blended with crushed ice until the consitancy is that of a thick frozen slush. Topped with a fresh sprig of mint and a tiny pink paper parasol. A slender plum colored straw peeks above the froth.

Witch/Warlock Broom

A straw broom with a long sturdy handle of solid oak. Red sparks spit out from the end. Step up to the broom, grasp it firmly in your hand and mount it... you will soar through the Provenance with ease! Ghastly Ghouls Dreadful looking creatures shamble around the room with drooping limbs. They have rotting green tinged flesh and empty eye sockets.

Spooky skeletons Hanging throughout the space are faux skeletons made of painted sticks and hinged at the joints with pliable wire. As a soft breeze blows through the Provenance they click and clack!

Box - O - Ghosts! Upon opening the lid of the box several ghosts whoosh out at you, they make spooky OOOOOOOO noises and float around the room before returning to the box

Vampire Bats Several replicas of vampire bats are suspended in mid air throughout the Provenance. Their wings flap in the slight breeze.

A skeleton shrouded in an antique wedding gown. The lace cuffs and neckline are torn and spattered with blood. The satin corset hangs awkwardly off the ribcage. The length of the skirt varies with jagged angles and different hues of dirt. A long hole-filled train trails behind, swishing softly with any movement. A gossamer veil hangs obscuring the head and face. A golden ring on the left ring finger is the only adornment.

Shrieking Spectres As you pick up this orb it suddenly explodes in your hand, releasing spooky spectres that drift and swoop about the room bellowing a high pitched shriek.

Jack-O-Lanterns! An assorted array of pumkins, all different shapes and sizes are placed around the room. Each has a different carved face. A lit candle on the inside of the pumpkin gives it's face a spooky glow

Dessert Tray (by Anasina) A tray full of various cupcakes with different colored frosting on top. Each cupcake has a different ediable mask on top, from a bat, to a vampire, a simple harlequin mask... In the center are a bunch of cookies with little mask faces in the middle of each. Frivolity

Dreamer impressions

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