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You Have Entered the dreamstate in the headquarters of...

The Double "A" Chronicles

This archives is dedicated to the Dream City of Underlight.  For those with the courage to dream, read on and discover the mysteries that await.

Just as a note, please be patient as renovations on the halls are on-going and extensive.  There's a lot of material that's still in the process of being moved and transcribed  as well, so expect to see things continuing to grow.

Recent Updates:
(Please note that the Events and Incidents (Blog) and Calendar are updated regularly)


- Battle Healing Write up in Arnaya's Research section

About the Double A Team:

Arnaya and Arlyana Jax are both Calenturians with a strong interest and focus on the nature of the dreamscape and the facts of its's reality.  


Arnaya is a Soulmaster Teacher and one of the two founding wordsmiths of the current order.  She is known for her factual reporting style and articles about different aspects and events of the city.

Arlyana Jax:

Arlyana Jax is a Dreamseer Master Teacher and was the first person inducted into the newest order of Worsmiths.  She runs a weekly news column about the events of the city and its dreamers.

Messenger Pigeon Housing:

To get a message to the Double A Team, please fill one of the notes below.  A friendly, well trained pigeon will ensure that your message is delivered in a timely fashion.  Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.

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Underlight, the Underlight Logo, the Koiware Logo, game concepts, game terms, and graphics copyright Koiware, LLC.  All rights reserved. Used with permission. This site is not affiliated with Koiware, LLC, and the views expressed here are not necessarily the views of Koiware, LLC.

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