Foulmoth gets Eggcited
Last night, while Members of House Calenture were working on a house project (With a number of on-lookers) in the Grand Forge in Threshold Pits, the Darkmare Raichuelle decided to pay the group a visit. The group moved out of the room and engaged Raichuelle twice, readily defeating him both times, then Foulmoth was located dreaming. Deciding that engaging two darkmares in the narrow confines of the Lower Hall (and Threshold Pits in general) was a bad idea, the assembled force moved up to the first room of the Basin of Stars where they met both Darkmares in battle and overcame them fairly handily. Once both mares had been collapsed, the group started talking to Foulmoth (Raichuelle was decidedly unwilling to communicate with the dreamers). Foulmoth had dropped an oddly shaped, jagged object which Inzoum (Ruler of the Alliance of the Eclipse) picked up.
Inzoum let the rest of the group know that it was a Portal Fragment (Functionally a Chaos Vortex Alteror with 1 charge) that appeared to be as follows: "a jagged fragment of a portal, which looks to have been ripped away from a whole one. A tiny glimmer of movement can be seen within the construct".
Foulmoth Immediately said: "Nos! Tzin pal hw!" (No! Not for you!). He went on to speak with the dreamers and tell them "Ara, tzin pal hw." (House, not for you"). When he was asked for clarification if it had come From a house, or was For a House... he replied: "Zaa, chao, waqa sba nekis." (Egg, Chaos, Will be mine [Actually me or I, but usage indicated "Mine"]). Since this seems to be related to the Union of the Covenant and the egg found inside it (See the article on Jiovanni and Lady Justice from a couple of days ago), the group asked more questions though Foulmoth's responses were pretty limited. He kept insisting "Waqa Na!" (Will be), though did become somewhat insulted when someone asked if he was a girl.
When he was asked why he wanted the egg, Foulmoth replied: "Maxtra chao quop-in" (Powerful Chaos Within). He went on to explain: "Zaaaa isis Zxuns, neki ktak, musit porl" (Egg is Zaxun's, I take, Need Portal). He was insistent that He wanted it and was going to try to claim it, and when advised that Jiovanni had custody of the Egg and was dealing with... Foulmoth replied: "isis qufn!" (Is Trap!) and woke.
Please stay tuned for further developments on this.