Alder...Man or Tree?

On the eve of Friday the 3rd, a falling of leaves within the Barrows of Edgeward and the unmistakable push of Tempest, led Arlyana Jax, Arnaya, Uthanatos, Snow Angel, Magnum-425 and Lu Chaos to the tree within the Glades of Harrow. Upon arriving, the half carved man shifted fractionally, drawing himself up as if for some great effort. They were joined by Purple Lace and Coraal as the man spoke “Bloooood... isss.......” then "Mem... orrr... iess...." with great effort.
Arnaya pressed a Blood earth elemen to the statue but there was no reaction. Arlyana Jax unsheathed her blade and stabbed her finger, dripping the blood onto the statue. The man's skin appeared to ripple, contracting in upon itself, hardening, as if in rest. Arlyana Jax smeared more blood upon the 'brow' of the statue. To everyone’s surprise the blood was sopped up by the wood and then rippling, seemed to loosen. Arnaya then cut her hand and traced her blood onto the statues lips. Arlyana Jax attempted the same, but only Arnaya’s blood was absorbed. It was decided then that different blood was needed. Slowly, each added their own blood to the mix. The addition of Uthanatos’ blood caused the statue to inhale and then freeze with a wide mouthed, surprised expression upon his face. Snow Angel and Lu Chaos added their blood, the statue’s expression changing from surprise to one of calm. A faint rhythmic beating began to resonate through the room. The statue’s skin began to ripple, but less like water and the, what can only be termed as a heartbeat, after Magnum-425 and Purple Lace their donation. Coraal was hesitant to donate, being that he was the youngest dreamer, fearing that his memories would not be enough for the statue turned entity. It took some convincing, but he did share some of his blood.
The wooden man began to breath erratically as his form became fully animated. The sound of the heartbeat silent. His first utterance, a low moan. The man, named Alder, questioned where he was and who they were, asking occasionally where his blood was.
Unable to separate himself fully from the Harrow tree, he became weak, and returned to an immobile state.