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Xun'rok Drains the Order

A couple of nights ago, Xun'rok struck again. This time draining the Order of the Sable Moon. A number of dreamers went to oppose him, heavily featuring Order of the Light and House Calenture warriors. Though they were able to collapse Xun'rok, they were not able to prevent him from absorbing the collected energy of the house and its Spirit.

From there, Xun'rok swiftly went up to the Gathering of the Entranced and set up another of his draining nodes there. This activity drew the attention of the Darkmare Raichuelle, who branded Anasina while she attempted to protect the trapped House Spirit from the mare. After Raichuelle left, the majority of the dreamers did as well, leaving only Anasina. She attempted to drain raw dreamsoul into the node to attempt to fill it with something other than energy from the house, and perhaps free the spirit trapped within. She was able to start a reaction, but work crumbled as she ran low on energy.

Arnaya of House Calenture came up to investigate the goings on and attempted to aid Anasina, though they had to stop as Anasina's dreamsoul started to become black and tainted. Before anything further could be done, Raichuelle returned and briefly engaged Arnaya before she stormed. While Arnaya was stormed, Raichuelle set up a ward trap and began cradling Anasina like a mother with a child, telling her that she would become a mare.

When Arnaya returned, Raichuelle kept itself between the two women as if trying to protect Anasina from Arnaya. Foulmoth became aware of Raichuelle's actions and arrived to take exception to them. A brief argument ensued between the mares, with Foulmoth throwing Raichuelle across the room and Raichuelle attacking Foulmoth. Foulmoth finally tired of the argument and revealed his dominance by collapsing Raichuelle with a single stroke of his claws. Najerv Torek arrived, and assisted during the brief period when Foulmoth engaged Arnaya and Anasina. The three were able to defeat Foulmoth, thanks to a well timed Paralize chakram shot from Najerv.

Once he had been collapsed, he deined to speak with the dreamers. Expressing his disgust that Raichuelle had become so attached to Anasina, and insisting that she was not going to become a mare. During the conversation, the Node that Xun'rok had set up in the Celebration hall was mentioned, and Foulmoth was shown to the node. He expressed disbelief that someone would build such a thing, and restored himself with a circle of dreamer essences before either of the women or Najerv could stop him. He inspected the node, making several comments about "It is House guardian. It IS House" before waking. His last words were "Puu Ztatha"... which translate to "Bad Destroyer".

This brand of Raichuelle subsequently allowed a connection with an unknown entity, which began telepathically harassing Anasina, trying to wear down her confidence and demanding to know where she had hidden "It". What exactly "It" was, was unknown to any present. The harassment continued unabated, nearly driving Anasina insane under the barrage and mental prying, until the bond was broken by the combined efforts of Aileron, Arnaya (Who suffered a brief period of identical mental assault, sharing the link due to the direct contact with Anasina required to restrain her at one point, preventing her from attacking those trying to help her), and Najerv Torek. Uthanatos arrived near the end of the effort and lent his aid as well.

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