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Cianne's Gala Ball

Last evening, Cianne held the Winter formal ball in the Hidden Ballroom in Threshold Pits. The event had an exceptional turn out, and welcomed the arrival of a new Elder. Everyone I spoke to about the ball agreed it was a great success.

Cianne put this up on the Notices Board outside the city gates.

"Mon Oct 17, 2016

I want to say thank you to those who turned out for the Formal Gala this evening. Everyone looked amazing! Prize winners: Best Dressed Couple - Aileron & Anasina - They won a nice little goodie box for lovers...if they want to tell you what was contained is up to them! Cutest Couple - Zenobia & Frey - They won matching aqua & diamond pinkie rings Best Hair - Hael Frost - She won a lovely gift box of hair accessories and products Best Accessories - Hanna - She won a rather fancy hat with a large plumage. Best Dressed Woman - Flower of Cienn - She won a lovely garnet and gold ring. Best Dressed Man - Dimitri Raith - He won a sophisticated bejeweled walking stick. Special Award for going way out of the "comfort zone" - Xererth - He won a high quality shield. Special Award "King of the Ball - For wearing a dashing white jacket instead of his blue armour! - Dreiko - He won a King's crown made of snow. Booby prize went to Wolfgar - Lace gifted him with an adorable little puff-ball of a puppy. Name as yet to be determined."

Congratulations to the events winners, and our thanks to Cianne for hosting this wonderful night.

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