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More Evernight Storms... Oh Crap....

So, the storms that I reported on a couple of weeks ago were back again last night. This time, instead of eating a darkmare... they spit one out. Tjar'kkan returned with a vengeance though was readily defeated twice by Aileron, Anasina, and I (Yes, three of us take him down readily while six struggled to take him down at all. Training, Practice, and Coordination Do work people). Aileron and I did each float, mostly due to storming making our shots go right through Tjar'kkan.

While we were fighting Tjar'kkan, Foulmoth appeared out of the storm as well and took up roost on one of HC's bridge posts, just watching with the exception of one cheap shot that he took at me. With the 2nd defeat, Foulmoth swept up into the storm as void as well and the storm got worse. The void began getting closer to the ground of the facade. Aileron and I took up position under the void, after taking appropriate precautions like Soul Shield and Recall.

Tjar'kkan was in the Dark Awakening, and Foulmoth mind blanked. The DA was 2nd on sense after HC at the time, so we figured that the Void led to the Dark Awakening. When it finally swept me away, this was confirmed as it took me right into the Dark Awakening with Foulmoth and Tjar'kkan. Foulmoth demonstrated a bit of a vicious sense of humor, asking if I was looking for a mate and telling me that Tjar'kkan would give powerful "Beonfon" (presumed to mean Daughter) or son. He went on to add "Little Trash" in reference to his repeated statements that Tjar'kkan was trash. Tjar'kkan was not overly broken up by my polite refusal, though displayed his own sense of humor by making the universal "tear" gesture of tracing a finger from the corner of his eye down his cheek while sort of pouting.

During the conversation (No, I'm not stupid enough to start a fight against two powerful darkmares in one of their places of power on my own), Foulmoth demonstrated his control over the void. He used it to teleport straight to House Calenture's Facade and back up to the Dark Awakening.

Foulmoth refused to give any real answers about what the Void was or why they'd created it... or even if they had created it, he would only say that it was "Bad for you". Finally Foulmoth tired of my repeated questions and pushing for answers and ordered Tjar'kkan to "Eat Female". Tjar'kkan promptly attacked me, though it seemed half hearted at best, and I did make sure that Foulmoth took at least one solid hit from Tjar'kkan by using Foulmoth as a body shield before I leaped into the void from the DA side and was returned to the House Calenture Facade.

The storm continued raging for some time before the mares woke and the void went quiet again. At this point, its unclear if the mares themselves created it the Void... though the voids formation suggests that they co-opted something that was being put into place by another person or entity. Its also uncertain what they intend to do with it now that they do control it, and if its formation will impact the protection that the House Calenture Facade would have normally provided against Dreamstrike. Keep watching for more developments.

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