Broken Blade and Fractured Frey
It is my sad duty to report the loss of two more dreamers to the Mace of Castigation and the Vanguard General, Zaxun.
Zaxun was located dreaming on the Edgeward Barrows, with a couple of others (Purple Lace was the only other located, but Sense Dreamers indicated that at least one other was likely present). The dreaming members of House Calenture, Aileron, Arlyana Jax, Uthanatos, and I responded to be available to act if needed.
Harlen Ronit was standing watch in the first room of the Barrows, but the Calenturians moved past to get to Gold Sanctuary and re-bind their recalls. The group was ambushed in a Ward Trap by Zaxun at Gold Sanctuary South. Zaxun's initial attack was vicious and collapsed Uthanatos, Aileron, and I. All three's recalls took effect, taking them to their bind points. When Arlyana Jax (The weakest of the group in open combat skills, being a remote support specialist) did not recall with the rest, I rushed back out into the field followed shortly by Aileron. When I arrived back at Gold Sanc South, Arlyana Jax was floating and Zaxun was in the process of drawing on the power of the mace of Castigation to strike her. I was able to quickly get a restore off on her, which she accepted immediately, and pushed Zaxun to ensure the disruption of his evoke.
Aileron and I engaged Zaxun for several minutes before Uthanatos was able to rejoin us and re-form the party. With the aid of Uthanatos and Purple Lace, working from inside Sanctuary to support Arnaya and Aileron, we were able to set up a cross fire zone and collapse the Vanguard General. His recall immediately swept him back to the palisades (Presumably the execution chamber).
Several others then joined the group, including many of the Order of the Light Members and Krodoc. Zaxun was noted moving up to the Union of the Covenant stronghold, so the group moved to engage him but was separated. Zaxun took advantage of the situation to set numerous ward traps and use hit and skirmish tactics to further separate and isolate the group.
The fighting moved across the plane, and eventually into the Palisades again. Bladeslayer and Flower of Cienn were noted going into the Palisades to engage Zaxun, followed by Aileron and I of House Calenture once we met up again. Flower had come out, so Aileron and I immediately entered with Aileron holding at the entrance to provide remote support and safeguard for me. The 2nd room in, I found Bladeslayer and Zaxun. Blade had been floated, and fled the room further into the palisades before I could restore him. Zaxun pursued, warding the portal.
I was able to shatter the ward by drawing on the ambient power in the room and followed, coming under fire from Zaxun immediately as he lay in wait by the entrance portal. The attack forced me further into the room where the revenant began to attack me. I restored Bladeslayer, but was unable to give him any free action, and he was hit by Zaxun's Para chak almost immediately. Though he remained coherent for several shots, using his elems and I restored as much as I could while having to use my own elems on top of Aileron's restores to remain coherent myself. I snapped off several quick shots on Zaxun, hoping to force him off of Bladeslayer long enough for the Paralysis to wear off. Unfortunately Bladeslayer was collapsed again and Zaxun retreated out of my line of sight. I tried to restore Bladeslayer twice (The first failed, the 2nd went through however), but Bladeslayer did not regain his coherence. Before I could get another Restore up, The Dreamstrike landed and Bladeslayer's dreams, at least for now, came to an end.
Zaxun left me in the ward trapped room and went immediately after Aileron (Uthanatos had joined him by that time, but wasn't in party). I was able to get away from the Revenant and tried to help heal Aileron, without avail. Once Aileron had been collapsed and recalled out, I woke out of the ward trap and returned to meet up with the rest of the group. The combatants were scattered between the two sancs. We finally became aware that Flower of Cienn and Frey were still out in the palisades, but before anything could be organized for a rescue party, They seemed to wake. Flower of Cienn was located in Threshold a minute or two later, but not Frey. When Zaxun entered into Gold Sanc for his customary Post Battle Posturing, he revealed that he had gotten Frey as well as Bladeslayer. The Soul Essences were turned over to Purple Lace, who essentially bargained them back to Flower of Cienn in exchange for her bringing Purple Lace's project to get rid of the Revenants to the rest of the Order of the Light and trying to get them to support it.
Krodoc informed several of us that he had shattered a ward trap just before he was collapsed by Zaxun and his recall pulled him out. He believed that Frey had done similar. That was the last that any dreamer besides Zaxun saw of Frey.
I don't know what to say, besides my hopes that the Ancestors will welcome both Bladeslayer and Frey into their embrace.
~Arnaya, Soulmistress and Lance of Calenture