Jio Versus Lady Justice
Continuing with the Egg discovery from a couple of weeks ago inside the Union of the Covenant Stronghold, several of us have been trying to get a hold of Jiovanni since but he was always mind blanked inside the stronghold and would not respond to attempts to contact him. Last evening, myself; Thunderman; Aileron; Anasina; and Xererth responded to investigate and hopefully speak to Jiovanni.
Upon our arrival, we found Cianne who was visibly distraught. She informed the arriving group that She had heard voices coming from inside. The following is an account that she wrote about what she witnessed:
"Fri Oct 14, 2016
>Cianne sits quietly chameled on the facade of the Union, where she often goes for solitude.
>A faint echo resonates throughout the facade. "must it be this way?"
>Cianne quirks a brow
>Cianne looks around what way?
>Another voice lingers about inside the walls as it fades in the distance. "not in vain, it must be done."
>Cianne tilts her head slightly
>A familiar voice seems to respond although the tone of his voice shifts with each passing word. "seal the portals permanently. No one enters, no one exits. I can not do it but perhaps he can..."
>Cianne furrows her brows faintly she looks again to the house portals, chewing her lower lip nervously
>The second voice responds with slowly articulate words. "you will be forgotten in here. This will not be your legacy. It will be your condemnation."
>Cianne spins back around, seemingly in thought as she is mesmerized by the voice and the flow of the liquid she frowns and looks again to the top of the steps... speaking tentatively...."hello?? she stands and walks up the steps slowly, pausing between each
>The previous voice can be heard once again as it speaks with a sadness seemingly to betray it tone. "not bear to lose anyone else. I would prefer to be forgotten than cursed. Can you begin the process?"
>Cianne scowls... no.. "Jio?? she speaks more loudlyshouting...Jio??????! come out!! please come out
>The second voice speaks again in response. "Did you hear that? Someone is out there. Again."A third seemingly familiar voice speaks interrupting the two. "I love you, dear." >Cianne hits the wall with a closed fist....Jio???? she stares at the solid portal in a bit of a panic she squints and tilts her head, listening..listening
>The original voice utters a chain of words. "and I love you, my angel. Do it. Begin the process. Let him know to complete it. Please. This thing cannot be allowed to escape...The second voice speaks as if defeat is clearly present in his voice. "As you wish... "
>Cianne shouts: Jio???? ....CK??? Who's there??!? Stop this, come out!!!
>Small tremors begin to pulsate throughout the steps leading out into the facade.Something odd has summoned a dreamquake! You suddenly lose your balance and stumble to recover...
>Cianne begins to hyperventilate...looking down at the floor, she hangs to the wallShe shouts: JIO!!!
>Cianne gasps for breath, hanging to the ledge
>A soft whisper echoes throughout the facade. "sorry" The third voice speaks out. "I love you, dear". Another round of tremors erupts throughout the facade as it raises dust up into the air.
>Something odd has summoned a dreamquake! You suddenly lose your balance and stumble to recover...
>Something odd has brought darkness upon the room! Argh! You are stricken blind!
>Cianne looks around with tears in her eyes....what's happening...what...she shouts: don't go...Jio! please don't go
>Cianne looks around..listening...waiting..
>The portal stirs with life as a cloaked figure runs across the facade. The fabric flutters in the wake of the wind. The figure bumps into the dreamer on his way out. He continues without speaking a word.
>Kinesis has been invoked upon you! Something odd has shoved you aside with sheer force of will!
>He calls back to the fortress. "I will let him know... my friend.... I hope you will change your mind before then.."
>Cianne blinks...looking around rapidly...seeing no one she grasps the ledge...taking in deep breaths..she looks at the portal.... "you can't go... I mean.. you have a Gala to attend and... justice knows you will win first prize..and...
>Cianne babbles somewhat incoherently....Jio? Jio??
>Cianne talks to herself.. I came to see you.. I was going to ask about this house.. I never really knew much about it..and.
.>Cianne sniffles...I was going to apologize for putting my white dress back on...I know how you -hate- white...
>The third voice speaks as it does before with the same articulation. "I love you, dear." "I love you, dear." "I love you, dear." The words continue to echo with eerie repetition.
>Cianne blinks as tears roll down her cheeks...tilting her head slightly. She shouts: CK...? I hear you... CK? come out..its ok come out...
Aileron arrives..followed by Thunderman, Anasina, Arnaya and Xererth... Cianne relays what has transpired, clearly distraught..Thunderman evokes a quake to try to break down a portal and Cianne faints away...overcome and overwhelmed with the evenings events."
Aileron and Anasina focused their efforts to attempt to breech the house, while Arnaya and Xererth assisted. While they worked, Voices begin to filter out from within the stronghold. "One voice, one heart, one union. Nothing in. Nothing out. It will will not leave these walls" Another voice speaks with eerie repetition. "I love you, dear. I love you, dear. I lo.."
The group continued working until A piece of sandstone collapsed from the center of the portal. It crashed onto the ground creating a small pile of ash and debris at Aileron's feet. Jiovanni's voice was heard saying: "You always trusted me before, this should not be any diff... dammit, Ail..."
I stormed at that point, and collected the Newly woken dreamer Hael Frost from Threshold on my way back. When I arrived, I was told that Jiovanni had taken Aileron into the house and Aileron's party link with the rest of the group had been severed (Aileron told us later that Jiovanni had evoked the UoC House Art "Break Covenant" on him once he was inside. The group outside waited anxiously until Aileron came back up the plane. He told us that Jiovanni had figured out what what the Egg was. Zaxun had somehow trapped Lady Justice, the personification of the old Union, within the egg and corrupted it. Jiovanni was using a Projector given to him by Coraal of the Peace Corpse, to project an image of Cyrus Kaihan (Jiovanni's dreamstruck fiance) and was using that projection to help him talk through everything. That was the source of Kaihan's voice that Cianne had identified.
Jiovanni had extracted a promise from Aileron to let him handle matters in regards to the Egg and UotC. The group was able to conduct some scrying with Liolira's aid, and found out that the egg had begun to crack. Further information is still to be forthcoming, though Jiovanni has locked down the Union tightly and is refusing to allow anyone entry. Jiovanni was provided, and collected, a crystal device that will allow him to summon aid should he need it. The device will detonate in a pillar of fire with a deafening burst of thunder.