Xererth's X-Training
Last night, Xererth held a training and game session in the Threshold Pits Arena. Not publicized, a fair sized group still attended. Xererth's usual flare was more than present as he set up a game to promote practice of Item use and changing in battle. Each participant held a Practice Chakram, and a Practice Blade. Each started the "battle" with a pool of 5 dreamsoul (Roughly how many solid hits with high level chaks are needed to float a mid level combatant). The Blades functioned as Dreamsoul Elems, restoring 1 Dreamsoul per swing, while the Chaks functioned as normal... dealing 1 damage. Each participant tracked their own "Dreamsoul".
Once everyone was set up, it was a free for all among the participants until only two were left, then Xererth called 3 charges of Dreamsoul left. This ensured that the battles wouldn't drag on too long. So on the whole, another great event by Xererth. Nicely done X.