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Tjar'kkan Eaten by Storm

Early this morning, after over an hour of battle stretching across both Rifts, Evernight Plateau, House Calenture itself, and the Cenotaph of Dread, Tjar'kkan had managed to briefly banish the dreamers opposing him from the field up at House Calenture itself. Numerous Datoken battles, and a brief bout with the Darkmares Raichuelle and Foulmoth earlier in the dream had already decimated the supplies of the defenders present (Najerv, Xererth, Aileron, Anasina, and Arnaya.

Tjar'kkan was alone on the House Calenture Facade for some moments, then attacked and collapsed the Free Spirit Cianne when she arrived. As Arnaya and Aileron returned to the facade from being Chaos Purged, they found Tjar'kkan stationary in the center of the bridge clutching at his chest with one clawed hand. Without further warning, a massive bank of storm clouds rolled over the facade. Lightning and deafening claps of thunder crashing before a pillar of pure light lanced out of the clouds and struck Tjar'kkan, who immediately dissolved into a puddle of goo and vanished. A ring of fire burning on the ground where he had stood.

This echoes the general appearance and behavior of the Evernight Storm and Void hole in the skies above Calenture, though to a radically different level. At this point, Tjar'kkan's ultimate fate is unknown. He may have just been banished by the strike, or slain. If he is sighted within the city, please notify one of Calentures members.

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