Lace Lashes Out
Near the end of last week (Thursday, Oct.06/2016), Purple Lace led a small effort to remove the revenants by corrupting (Actually cleansing) their link into the city. Their origin point, the Horrons Lair in Caudal Rift. A small group (Nathan, Wolfgar, Arnaya) directly assisted her while others (Thunderman, Black Cloud, Anasina, and Uthanatos) remained on Guard and Support duty. Nothing untoward occured during the event. The Horron was collapsed by Thunderman and Black Cloud, with Arnaya providing heavy restoration support. Then pure talisman of various sorts were allowed to be absorbed by the city while a mixture was brought to a boil in a cauldron at the center of the room, causing a foul smelling mist to rise and spread throughout the room. No results have yet been seen from this project.