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The Arts Archives

This section is dedicated to the arts (Abilities or "spells" that can be learned by cities dreamers, or have been known in the past).  The entries will include the basic technical information of the ability (When it can be learned by who, Cost to evoke, Duration, etc..) as well as any known histories of the art.  A couple of lost arts will be included as well, from Idoaclesian arts that we have lost knowledge of, to ancient arts lost over the centuries.


Focal arts (Will, Insight, Resilient, and Lucid) come in three varieties.  

- Exclusive (Learnable ONLY by Members of that primary focus)

- Majors (Learnable only by members of that focus)

- Minors (Learnable by anyone, but gained sooner for members of that focus)

Minor arts can be learned by other foci 2 sphere's after the primary focus gains it, and can be plateau'd every sphere afterwards to a maximum level of 29.  Identify for example is learned by Dreamseers at orbit 15, so other foci can learn it at orbit 35 and plateau it to 10 at orbit 40, then to 20 at orbit 50.


Birth arts are known by every dreamer to enter the city.  These are instinctive abilities required to interact with the dreamscape and other creatures.  Though some of these arts are focual arts.  Focal birth arts can be plateau'd by members of other foci at 3rd sphere, and again at 4th sphere.


Dreamsoul arts are universal arts available to any dreamer.  They draw from the power of the evokers dreamsoul instead of the focal energies.  They encompass a wide range of capabilities, including the most well known of the item creation abilities... Forge Talisman.


Will arts are the arts of the Gatekeeper, and are powered by the evokers sheer Will power.  These arts are usually enhancing or protective in nature, though some exceptions do exist in the form or arts that can create affects conjured by the evokers sheer force of Will.


Insight arts are the arts of the Dreamseer and are powered by the evokers Insight.  These arts are often perceptive, or information gathering arts, though Seers have the single largest collection of talisman manipulation arts as well.


Resilient Arts are the arts of the Soulmaster and are powered by the evoker's Resilience.  These arts are often restorative or healing, or deal with Essences in a variety of ways.


Lucidity Arts are the arts of the Fatesender and are powered by the evokers Lucidity.  These arts often deal with the targets perceptions, or cause effects to the entire room (Excepting the evokers party members). 


These are the arts of the houses, and those shared by the ranked members of those houses.  Some of these are unique to specific houses, while others are held by members of all houses.

Teacher Arts:

Teacher arts are those that aid in or allow teachers to perform their tasks of helping to advance the cities dreamers.

Elder Arts:

These arts are known ONLY to the cities elders, and this listing may well be incomplete.  Many details of these arts are unknown to the general populace.


These are arts that have been lost to the anals of history for one reason or another.  In some cases, knowledge of the art has simply been lost due to the passage of time.  In others, the destruction of a city where the art was used is responsible for its loss.

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