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House Arts:

These arts are restricted to those who bear an initiate, guardian, or rulers crest of a house.  This section is broken down into the house arts of each specific house (Those only usable with a Power Token and Crest of a specific house), then those can be learned by an initiate of Any house, then the arts of Guardians, and Rulers.

A note about house arts requiring PowerTokens and Crests of a specific house.  When the art is evoked, the failure rate is checked first, followed by the possession of a House Crest (For the relevant house.  If you know Peace Aura for example, but are not a member of the Alliance of the Eclipse, the art fails at this point), then the Power Token is checked and drawn on (again, as with the previous Alliance example, if you don't have an Alliance Power Token, the art fails at this point).  

Alliance of the Ecipse: Peace Aura

Focus: Dreamsoul (orbit 20)

Cost: 1 Power Token + 10 Dreamsoul

Evoke Time: 6 Pillars (Decreasing by 1 second per Plateau)

Duration: 10 seconds + 10 seconds per plateau

Effect: Prevents the targeted dreamer from being affected by damaging or hostile arts, while allowing them to evoke non-hostile arts.  Can e Abjured.  2nd Evoke removes effect.

History: The Alliance of the Eclipse was originally a House of scholarship, first and foremost. Opened by the Astronomers (later known as the Entropy Coalition), they were too busy with their research and teachings to be bothered with fighting and wars. They weren't so much a "House of Peace" as they were too involved in their studies and research to be concerned with the politics of the other Houses. In fact, Kal'Arakos was the first to swear to the Oath of Peace, some time later.

During the Dreamer Wars, the Alliance instituted the StarKnights to fight on their behalf, so that the Astronomers could keep to their work. With the addition of the StarKnights, the other members wanted to have a way to aid their fellow members, without actually engaging in battle. Between the desire for a peaceful, tranquil place to conduct their research, and the formation of the StarKnights, the other members wanted to help without engaging directly in battle.

The researchers worked with the Power Generator within the House to generate a field around themselves, so that they could either continue with their work, or aid their fellow Knights in battle without actually having to pick up arms. This generated field would allow the usage of any and all non-aggressive Arts, while not allowing any Art which would do harm to themselves or anyone else. The Astronomers found they were also able to use non-harmful Talismen, like Elemens, Alterors and Shields, with the generated field around them as well.

~ Unknown original Source, Thanks to Purple Lace for digging this up.

Peace Aura (AoE)

Dreamers of Light/Order of the Light: Dazzle

Focus: Dreamsoul (orbit 20)

Cost: 1 Power Token + 10 Dreamsoul

Evoke Time: 6 Pillars (Decreasing with Plateaus)

Duration: 4 seconds + 4 seconds per plateau

Damage: 1-6 regardless of plateau? (Unconfirmed)

Effect: A room wide affect that hits everyone without a Dreamers/Order of the Light Crest.  Causes a small amount of damage and stagger

History: Unknown

Dazzle (DoL/OoL)

Gathering of the Entranced: Entrancement

Focus: Dreamsoul (Orbit 20)

Cost: 1 Power Token + 10 Dreamsoul

Evoke Time: 5 Pillars (Decreasing with Plateaus)

Duration: 2 Minutes + 2 Minutes per Plat

Effect: Applies a meditation like effect to the target, allowing them an increased regeneration rate, even while moving.

History: Unknown

Entrancement (GoE)

House Calenture: Poison Cloud

Focus: Dreamsoul (Orbit 20)

Cost: 1 Power Token + 10 Dreamsoul

Evoke Time: 6 Pillars (Decreasing with Plateaus)

Duration: 2 Minutes + 2 Minutes per plat

Damage: 1-6 initial burst, 1-5 poison damage per tic after.  Top end of poison range increases by 1 per plateau (50 does 1-6+1-10 poison per tic)

Effect: A roomwide poison art that afflicts all in the room not wearing a House Calenture Crest.  Being in the evokers party does not provide protection.

History: Unknown

Poison Cloud (HC)

Keepers of the Eternal Shadow: Shadow Step

Focus: Dreamsoul (Orbit 20)

Cost: 1 Power Token + 10 Dreamsoul

Evoke Time: 5 Pillars (Decreasing with Plateaus)

Duration: 2 Minutes + 2 Minutes per plat

Effect: A self target only art that grants the benefits of a Dreamseers Invisibility.

History: Unknown

Shadow Step (KoES)

Order of the Sable Moon: Sable Shield

Focus: Dreamsoul (Orbit 20)

Cost: 1 OoSM Power Token + 10 Dreamsoul

Evoke Time: 5 Pillars (Decreasing with Plateaus)

Duration: 2 Minutes + 2 Minutes per plat

Effect: Grants the target: Free Action, Resist Fear, Protection, Vision, and "Sable Shield" (Block poison).

History: Unknown

Sable Shield (OoSM)

Protectors of the Radiance/Peace Corpse: Radiant Blaze

Focus: Dreamsoul (Orbit 20)

Cost: 1 PoR Power Token + 10 Dreamsoul

Evoke Time: 6 Pillars (Decreasing with Plateaus)

Duration: 30 seconds + 30 seconds per plateau.

Damage: 1-6

Effect: A room wide art that causes a small amount of initial damage, and inflicts Blindness on all creatures not bearing a PoR crest.

History: Unknown

Radiant Blaze (PoR/PC)

Union of the Covenant: Break Covenant

Focus: Dreamsoul (Orbit 20)

Cost: 1 UoC Power Token + 10 Dreamsoul

Evoke Time: 5 Pillars (Decreasing with Plateaus)

Duration: Immediate & 10 sec + 10 sec per plat?

Damage: 1-6 

Effect: Break the target away from the rest of their party (As per Join Party Art), if Target is party leader, entire party is broken.  Target cannot rejoin any party for the duration of the effect.

History: Unknown

Break Covenant (UoC)


Focus: Dreamsoul (Guardian/Ruler Art)

Cost: 500 Prime Strength

Evoke Time: 10 Pillars

Duration: Immediate

Effect: Evoker must hold the House Prime in their pack.  Upon evoke, the art grants an initiates crest for the held prime to the target.  Also creates the target beings House ID Ribbon (Required for a ruler to evoke Demote without additional costs to Prime Strength).

History: Unknown

Initiate (General)


Focus: Dreamsoul (Ruler Art)

Cost: 500 Prime Strength

Evoke Time: 10 Pillars

Duration: Immediate

Effect: Requires 3 supports from ranking members of the house.  Upgrades an initiates crest to a Guardians Crest.

History: Unknown

Knight (General)

Ascend to Ruler

Focus: Dreamsoul (Guardian Art)

Cost: 500 Prime Strength

Evoke Time: 10 Pillars

Duration: Immediate

Effect: Evoker must have 3 supports from ranking memers of the house.  Upon evoking this art, the evoker's house crest is upgraded From Guardian to Ruler.

History: Unknown

Ascend to Ruler (General)


Focus: Dreamsoul (House Member Art)

Cost: 500 Prime Strength per evoke

Evoke Time: 10 Pillars

Duration: Immediate

Effect: Demotes the targeted dreamer down to the next lower rank, or out of the house (If the target is an initiate when the art is evoked).  Can be evoked upon the evoker (This use does not require a House ID, or Supports).  To forcefully demote a ranking individual, 3 supports must be held in the evokers pack for each rank that the target is to be demoted.  This art does NOT require that the prime be held by the evoker.

History: Unknown

Demote (General)

Support Ascention

Focus: Dreamsoul (Guardian/Ruler Art)

Cost: 0 Dreamsoul

Evoke Time: 10 Pillars

Duration: Immediate

Effect: Creates a support Ribbon for the targeted being.  These ribbons are required in order for the target to be Knighted, or to Ascend to rulership.  3 are required to ascend the targeted being by 1 rank.

History: Unknown

Support Ascention (General)

Support Demote

Focus: Dreamsoul (Guardian/Ruler Art)

Cost: 0 Dreamsoul

Evoke Time: 10 Pillars

Duration: Immediate

Effect: Creates a support Ribbon for the targeted being.  These ribbons are required in order to demote a ranking member of a house.  3 are required to demote a targeted being by 1 rank.

History: Unknown

Support Demote (General)

Power Token

Focus: Dreamsoul (Guardian/Ruler Art)

Cost: 50 Prime Strength

Evoke Time: 10 Pillars

Duration: Immediate

Effect: Creates a Power Token aligned to the house of the evoker.  Evoker must be holding a Prime Artifact.  Power Tokens are required for optimal use of Forge Talisman, as well as to evoke the house's battle arts (Peace Aura, Radiant Blaze, etc..).

History: Unknown

Power Token (General)


Focus: Dreamsoul (Ruler Art)

Cost: 500 Prime Strength

Evoke Time: 10 Pillars

Duration: Immediate

Effect: Evoked on a target Soulsphere (evoker must hold the House Prime) to evict them from a house plane, teleporting them to Bogroms Lair in Threshold Pits.

History: Unknown

Expel (General)

Cup Summons

Focus: Dreamsoul (Guardian Art)

Cost: 0 Dreamsoul

Evoke Time: 6 Pillars

Duration: Immediate

Effect: Send the targeted being to the Dreamers Cup Arena plane.  The targeted being can resist the summons.  Art can also be evoked on the evoker.  This art is a Guardian only art, lost up on the holders ascention to ruler or demotion to Initiate.

History: Unknown

Cup Summons (General)


Focus: Resilience Minor (Orbit 20 learnable)

Cost: 5 Resilience

Evoke Time: 2 Pillars (Decreasing with Plateaus)

Duration: Immediate

Effect: Converts a targeted chakram or Charm into a 1 strength token that can be processed by House Prime Artifacts.  This art used to be an Alliance of the Eclipse exclusive art, but is now learnable to crested members of any house.  The produced token increases in strength by 1 with every plateau of the art.

History: Unknown

Sacrifice (General)

Corrupt Essence

Focus: Resilience Minor (Orbit 20 learnable)

Cost: 5 Resilience

Evoke Time: 2 Pillars (Decreasing with Plateaus)

Duration: Immediate

Effect: Converts a targeted Dreamer Essence ino a 1 strength token that can be processed by House Prime Artifacts.  This art used to be a Keepers of the Eternal Shadow exclusive art, but is now learnable to crested members of any house.  The produced tokens to NOT increase in strength with plateaus.

History: Unknown

Corrupt Essence (General)


Focus: Dreamsoul (Orbit 30 learnable)

Cost: 30 Dreamsoul

Evoke Time: 6 Pillars (Decreasing with Plateaus)

Duration: Immediate

Effect: Allows the evoker to summon (Target can resist) a targeted party member, to the evokers location.  Target MUST be in party with the evoker.  Does not disrupt targets art evokes.  This can bypass any portal locks.

History: Initial work on this art was done by Vill Valourian, as a means of communicating with house members even across planes.  Work on the art seems to have been completed by the elders after Vill Valourian left the city.

Rally (General)

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