Insight Arts
A Dreamseer's arts are powered by Insight. Though many are investigative, befitting the seers traditionally scholarly role, they also lend themselves well to the often overlooked seer role of assassination and infiltration. Here's the listing and details of these arts. As with other categories, all arts will be detailed as follows:
Art Name: Name of the art
Focus: Includes learnable levels
Cost: Amount of focal element used to evoke the art
Evoke Time: Listed in pillars, roughly 1 second per pillar
Duration: Where relevant
Damage: Where relevant
Effect: A basic write up on the arts effects
History: Where known
Alternate Histories: Where relevant
Focus: Insight Exclusive (Orbit 30)
Cost: 2 Insight
Evoke Time: 1 Pillar (decreasing with plateaus)
Duration: Immediate
Damage: Varies by plateau. These are the old damages by plateau, it's unconfirmed if these are still valid or not.
0-9: 1-4
10-19: 2-5
20-29: 3-6
30-39: 4-7
40-49: 5-8
50-59: 6-9
60-69: 7-10
70-79: 8-11
Effect: This art allows the Dreamseer to target any creature within their line of sight and apply immediate damage to them without having to hit them with a projectile. In the case of mares, the blast only lands if the seer has line of sight to the mares traditionally vulnerable area (Front for agoknights, back in general for Shamblix, Middle of the back for Horrons). Blast is reflectable. The seer being unable to see the target prevents blasting (Except for blinding the seer, they still seem to be able to blast while blind but have to rely on luck for accurate targeting).
History: Blast was created by K'k'at. K'k'at was a mystic of sorts in his Cloudsbreak region, being a master of illusion, and the more powerful sorceries. When he came to the Dream, he found that he could replicate many of these powers, save his most favorite, that of levitation. Rather than start with levitating himself, he tried to form a smaller version, telekinesis. After a lot of concentration and research, he found that he could levitate small objects a few inches above his work bench, but nearly inevitably, they would shatter. Also, if he blinked, or tried to move the item beyond his sight, it would fail, and drop again. This could have continued much further, were it not for the visit of Rhyssa, another DreamWright. Interrupting his concentration one harrowing eve, she tapped him on the shoulder... still deep in concentration, K'k'at gave her an intense glare ... and a fair headache. Astonished at what had occurred, the two worked on forming this new art, which could harm a Dreamer with the merest of glances, and a fair amount of Insight. From these efforts, came the Art of Blast, with the same restrictions as it's predecessor.. for the Dreamer must see their target to be successful.
Art Research: The DreamSeer creates a nexus, between the chaos of the dream and the target. When the nexus is completed, a vacuum is created and DreamSoul is evacuated from the target, resulting in damage. As more and more DreamSoul flows, the nexus becomes more fragile and will eventually collapse with a booming sound, often damaging any shield that is being worn. The more advanced this art becomes, through plateaus, the longer the nexus is able to be maintained, and the more DreamSoul will be removed from the dreamer, causing more damage. (Unknown Author)
Focus: Insight Major (Orbit 50)
Cost: 30 Insight
Evoke Time: 3 Pillars (reduced with plateaus)
Duration: 10 seconds + 10 seconds per plateau, or until used
Effect: Allows the seer to bypass a ward on a portal. The Gatekeeper trick of "Double Warding" apparently prevents Blending.
History: In the distant foggy past of the dream, there was once a DreamSeer named Coltura. What irritated Coltura the most was that there were many Gatekeepers who loved to tease her, constantly warding her into small rooms. She examined her own arts, and could find nothing that would help her, so she used her insight abilities to examine the fabric of the dream itself, and discovered a way to mold the dream itself into an amulet that would allow her to pass through any ward. She called this new art Blend, as it enabled her to blend through any warded portal, no matter who had created the ward. The House Gatekeepers grumbled a lot, and eventually moved on to other methods to tease her.
*Some Histories have Coltura as a DoL House guardian, but she declined the position*
Focus: Insight Major (Orbit 20)
Cost: 20 Insight
Evoke Time: 2 Pillars (decreasing with plateaus)
Duration: 3 Minutes + 3 Minutes per plateau
Effect: Makes the evoker blend into their background, functionally making them invisible. This effect can be penetrated with Vision, and is broken by any offensive action on the part of the seer (Any item that requires "Dreamseer" at a certain level to use, and any art with an offensive evoke cone).
History: The Art of Chamele was created by the DreamWright Jervais, who was mostly an anti-socialite. However, due to his sphere, and status in the Dream, he constantly searched for ways to avoid his compatriots. One day, he found that shadows would almost completely hide a Dreamer, if he did not move too much. Also, he discovered that any sudden movement, such as that created by an attack, or aggressive motion would cancel the concealment. Thus, he began probing the properties of shadows, and after some botched research (his left arm was never visible again), he finished the Art of Chamele. The Art is known to twist the shadows about oneself, and to partially "wrap" light around the Dreamer, so that any observer will think the space empty. Giggling, he taught it to his students, who were mystified that their teacher could not be seen and was never seen again. We're all very sure he's still out there, somewhere.
Focus: Insight Exclusive (Orbit 60)
Cost: 40 Insight
Evoke Time: 2 Pillars (decreasing with plateaus)
Duration: Immediate
Effect: Combines two identical talisman (Charges can differ between the items) into one, adding the charges from the 2nd to the 1st. This can only be done for each talisman once. Statistically identical items can be also be combined if only the focus of the item differs.
History: Ibioc was a great Master that worked diligently on Recharge. His knowledge of talisman was unrivalled. Like many of the Great Smiths, he too studied at one time under the Srechethan Kabal. The art of Combine was already old when Ibioc discovered Recharge. He knew how natural and easy Combine is compared to Recharge in many respects. Ibioc wanted to do more than just fuse talisman together. He sought to dig deeper into an item & increase its power. His oath to the Guild prevented him from revealing Combine. But he took no oath on his own discoveries, so Combine was kept a secret. The decision to bring this art back to the Guild and to break his silence was prompted by Falinor's ordeal with Iden's betrayal of Falinor within the Ambiance and the tampering he did there was his guide.
Notes: The first 3 non-Elder dreamers to be granted this art in the city simultaneously were LovesLight, Munchkin, and tux. Combine is an art for the Master Seers of the Dream, those who are not within the Guild will not be granted the Art. Items that have an inscription cannot be combined. Items must be exactly alike in all aspects to be able to be combined. If you attempt to recharge an item that has been combined, the number of charges on the item will revert back to the "Max" amount of charges that an item is allowed to be recharged to. Rumor has it that Iden betrayed Falinor by using the knowledge Falinor taught him about this art in the creation of what we know today as DayMares.
Dream Blade
Focus: Insight Exclusive Birth Art
See birth arts entry Here for general technical information.
Identify Curse
Focus: Insight Minor (Orbit 20, Orbit 40 for non-seers)
Cost: 2 Insight
Evoke Time: 1 Pillar (Decreasing with plateaus)
Duration: Immediate
Damage: Only to the evokers mental state when they realize they have to plateau it.
Effect: Tells the evoker if the target is cursed (As the Soulmaster art) or not. Cannot be evoked on yourself.
History: Identify Curse was an art created before the great loss by a dreamer named DiBauda. This dreamer came into the dream just before the beginning of the DreamStrike wars, and was an empath in his shard. DiBauda was able to carry over his ability to dream as an empath, and was able to feel what others were feeling. His ability to give the prognosis to almost any problem was unrivaled, and knew for the most part what dreamers were feeling, because he himself was able to feel it. DiBauda was a DreamSeer of great influence because of this, and was feared by those who wanted others to succumb to their wills because DiBauda knew what dreamers held in their hearts, no matter how secret they kept it from others. DiBauda had discovered a way of transferring this ability to his use of insight, and was able to teach dreamers the ability to detect the burdens others bared in order to help them. He held himself to 4 apprentices. These 4 dreamers were known as Lorac, the creator of Purify, Morden, the creator of Protection, and Cybele, the creator of Identify and a little known dreamer named Albestor who is still forgotten in the dream, though his deeds for both the dream, and for illuminates are both extensive and far-reaching. DiBauda gathered these 4 apprentices before the height of the DreamStrike wars opposing both the DreamStrike masters AND the entropy coalition. He attempted to gather all those that he had befriended and helped in the past to help aid his cause to fight the DreamStrike masters and the entropy coalition, believing one group or the other would bring the dream under their sway and have total subjection of the dream before the end, or until they destroyed the dream. The DreamStrike masters, fearing DiBauda and his following attacked and were able to remove DiBauda and 3 of his followers. The 4th, Albestor, went into hiding. Albestor carried on in hiding teaching a select few of his followers to pass on the art of Identify Curse. Eventually, Albestor confronted the DreamStrike masters and the entropy coalition in hopes of bringing peace at the height of the DreamStrike wars, and was subsequently DreamStruck in fear of binging about a following similar to that of DiBauda. Identify curse became a rumor of an art, and only a select few DreamSeers were permitted to learn the art from master teachers of insight before and after the great loss until lately, where the art has been passed down not only to younger DreamSeers, but also to dreamers of other foci, which was the design of DiBauda before his untimely DreamStrike, and loss from the dream.
Researched by OfF KiLTeR
Focus: Insight Minor (Orbit 15, orbit 35 for non-seers)
Cost: 6 Insight
Evoke Time: 4 Pillars (Decreasing with Platueas)
Duration: Immediate
Effect: Identifies all statistical information about a targeted talisman in the evokers's pack. This includes charges, damage, durations, durability, absorbsion rate, and all functions.
History: At a festival of the Sable Moon many contests were being held. One such contest was the Item judging contest. Here contestants were asked to find items in the dream and the one with the best item would win the contest. Now the Judge of the contest was a master DreamSmith of Insight, whose name was Cybele. She examined each item. The contest was soon narrowed down to two whom had each brought in a tan earth shield. Being unable to decide which was better, Cybele reached into her pack and pulled out several elemens and started mixing them together till she formed and created the Art of Identify. When she then re-examined the shields she found one to be several points higher in durability than the other and declared a winner. So valued was this art, that it was soon taught to many others of the dream.
Focus: Insight Major (Orbit 40)
Cost: 20 Insight
Evoke Time: 4 Pillars (Decreases with plateaus)
Duration: 10 Seconds + 10 Seconds per plateau
Effect: Similar to Chamele, makes the evoker invisible for a short period of time. Penetrated by Vision, cannot be forged.
History: As we all know, not all wondrous discoveries are made by choice. Some are made a goal, set upon and researched until fruition. But others... are happenstance, a chance discovery, an accident. In the case of Invisibility, it was just that… an accidental discovery.
Cyardon, a Dreamseer of no great importance was often found wandering around the planes of the Dream. He would sit for hours looking into the gently flowing waters of the streams in the Trinities or gazing out across the dreamscape from the higher reaches of Mt. Ilapse. He had just spent many weeks learning the ins and outs of Chamele from a now famous dreamer, Jervais, and was spending his days wrapped in the shadows of the Dream, studying the various mares he happened upon.
Now like most quiet people, Cyardon had a close friend very unlike himself, T'Lrek. As we all know from the history of Stagger, T'Lrek was famous for his ale, and also famous for his sense of humor. This pair was a sight to see together, T'Lrek often loud and boisterous, and Cyardon solemn and withdrawn. They could often be found, Cyardon sitting on the edge of the fountain with his hand swirling the waters, and T'Lrek standing over him chastising him on being such a hermit.
"Cyardon, friend, you have to open up, laugh a little, let it out!” T'Lrek would say in a deep jovial voice.
Cyardon would look up wiping his hand on his cloak, "I know my friend, but I never seem to know what to say, then it feels like everyone is looking at me, waiting for something. I get nervous and my mind goes blank."
Looking back down at the water as the light of the Sable Moon plays across its surface, T'Lrek put his hand upon his shoulder. "Well now that you have this... this new toy you play with, Chamele, you'll never open up. You walk around the City invisible to all, now how is a fine lass going to chase you if she can't see you?!"
Cyardon begins to fidget, "Please T'Lrek not again, you know I can't talk to women."
Just then T'Lrek recalls a flask he placed in his vest pocket before he left the tavern this morn. Withdrawing it and unstoppering it, he reaches down to the pool and makes the pretense of filling it from its waters. Stoppering it back up, he hands it to Cyardon, "Here my friend, take this then. I would hate to find you lying in the fields of the Trinities, swooned from the heat and lack of liquid refreshment. Maybe the cool waters of your favorite pool will stir you a bit or at least keep you from heat stroke."
Cyardon not paying much attention to what T'Lrek was saying or doing took the flask and tucked it away in a pouch at his belt.
Later that day, Cyardon was walking through the fields of the Trinities as T'Lrek knew he would, since he did so every day at that time. As he rounded the corner he happened upon a fair maiden grappling with a Bogrom, and obviously on the losing end of the struggle. Now Cyardon was no warrior by any means, and one might say even a bit cowardly. So as he often did when the mares would rear their ugly heads, he ducked behind a corner and wrapped himself in the shadows using his art of Chamele before either could notice him, or so he thought. He then bolted past, and ran up the ledge heading for the Rise. His mouth became dry and parched from the exertion, and his fear. He leaned up against the wall, and remembering the flask, he withdrew it, pulled out the stopper and took a long swig of the contents. To his surprise, it was not the clear water of a spring, but a brew concocted from the fabled flagon of his friend, T'Lrek, the Dreamsmith of Grog. Too late to halt its rush down his gullet, the effects began to take hold.
Cyardon stood up straight and tall, flung his cloak back and ran a steady strong hand through his sable locks. His heart bursting with courage, he ran back down the Rise to defend the fair maiden from the vile Bogrom. Rushing headlong at the creature he smashed into it, knocking it from its feet, and freeing the damsel from its clutches. Now as soon as he struck the beast his Chamele diminished and the maiden could see her savior standing over her, reaching a hand to pull her to her feet.
Quickly, the Bogrom regained its senses and footing, and lunged at Cyardon. Now his first blow succeeded out of surprise, stealth and blind luck. He was standing toe to toe with a creature quite capable of rendering him limb from limb. Quickly, he grabbed up a broken limb resting on the ground by the maidens’ feet, and lunged at the beast; swinging with such ferocity the creature was staggered. Then it happened...Cyardon hiccupped. Yes I said hiccupped, and to the amazement of the Bogrom, his foe had vanished.
Letting out a guttural cry the beast began swinging madly. Noticing his foe seemed not to know where he was; Cyardon took the opportunity to move behind the beast, and with one massive blow, felled the vile creature. Then suddenly he reappeared again, standing in front of the maiden he had risked his own life to save. She looked a bit amazed, but not at his warrior prowess, but at how he could do what he did… seemingly turn invisible. With a new found courage and a very beautiful woman at his arm, Cyardon went in search of his friend.
As they walked, Azreaal, as the maiden was called, asked Cyardon of his wondrous powers. Cyardon rather at a loss for how it happened began to theorize, and they discussed the possibilities as they traveled to T'Lrek's Tavern. He told her of the circumstances leading up to the event, and she of hers, and they came to the conclusion that somehow T'Lrek's concoction had reacted with the ambient magiks of the Chamele, still in effect on Cyardon's avatar. They laughed as they walked for it seems Cyardon still had the hiccups, and would pop in and out of sight from time to time.
Upon reaching the tavern, they sat down over a round of more common ale and told the story to T'Lrek. T'Lrek turned to Azreaal and said "Oh, I told you to go to the Trinities? I meant to say Umbric, good thing my friend here happened upon you!"
Cyardon raised a brow and looked at his friend detecting a bit of mischief and preplanning in his words. "So… you two have met before?!?"
Azreaal looked up at Cyardon, a mischievous smile not unlike T'Lreks upon her lips, "He is my Uncle, Cyardon, He sent me in search of some mushrooms for this evenings’ special, but it seems he had his directions crossed."
Cyardon scowled at T'Lrek "You rogue! You deliberately gave me one of your vile concoctions, and sent your niece out in harms way knowing I would stumble upon her and..." Just then he looked to Azreaal. His heart softening, his withdrawn nature all but forgotten, and just as he was about to speak, another hiccup escaped his lips, and poof he was gone again. A roar went up from the three and the rest of the day was spent talking and getting acquainted with his soon to be Bride.
But back to the creation of Invisibility, Cyardon with the help of Azreaal who turned out to be a very insightful lass herself, and T'Lrek's flagon, he was able to reproduce the effects of the mixture and form what we have today as the art of invisibility.
Now the sound made by the evocation of the art still to this day sounds like the hiccup escaping from Cyardon's lips and its short duration is due to the fact the rather chaotic nature of its creation. The potency of the Art seems to disallow the ability to extend it for great lengths of time.
But poor Cyardon was never able to rid himself of the after effect of his hiccups and would always poof after a few drinks, making the wedding reception and night to follow, which is an interesting tale in itself.
As told by Midhir
Focus: Insight Minor (Orbit 10, 30 for non-seers)
Cost: 2 Insight
Evoke Time: 2 Pillars
Duration: Immediate
Effect: Tells the evoker the sphere, and general state of health of the targeted dreamer. Does not give such information in regards to Mares (Tells the evoker that they judge the mare is going to decimate them). The following is a rough guideline of what each results indicates.
- Perfect form (89-100% of total Dreamsoul remaining)
- Excellent form (81-88% of total Dreamsoul remaining)
- Damaged but strong (71-80% of total Dreamsoul remaining)
- starting to show wear (59-70% of total Dreamsoul remaining)
- looking beat up (50-58% of total Dreamsoul remaining)
- clearly has seen better dreams (40-49% of total Dreamsoul remaining)
- wavering towards near dis (28-39% of total Dreamsoul remaining)
- very near dis (20-27% of total Dreamsoul remaining)
- edge of coherance (10-19% of total Dreamsoul remaining)
- barely hanging onto coherance (1-9% of total Dreamsoul remaining)
NOTE: It is considered rude to use this art on another without their permission.
History: Judgment was created by Kaylar .
A Justice on the City Court, Kaylar presided over many cases of varying degrees, seeing all manner of innocence and vile behavior brought before him. One thing in particular irked him however... unless the Dreamer was notorious, or a braggart, the more canny evildoers could disguise their sphere symbols quite adequately, not permitting him to figure out what sort of punishment would be appropriate. Some would pretend to be higher spheres, in hope of getting let off, and some would choose to be lower, in the off chance of getting an easier sentence. So.. after much consideration and discussion with some of his DreamWright comrades, Kaylar formed a very piercing art, of the focus of insight naturally, that would examine the relative strength of the Dreamer. Being an avid duelist, Kaylar also tweaked it to show the general health of the individual as an added benefit. It is said that his court was quite amusing for a while, as those unaware of the art would lie about their sphere, then be quite shamefaced when they were exposed for what they were.
~As per Elder Krynn
Focus: Insight Minor Birth Art
See entry under Birth Arts Here.
Newly Awakened
Focus: Insight Minor (Orbit 0, 20 for non-seers)
Cost: 1 Insight
Evoke Time: 2 Pillars (Decreasing with plateaus)
Duration: Immediate
Effect: Detects the location and name of any dreaming newly awakened.
History: The art of Newly Awakened was created by the dreamer Ramslend and the Elder Qyadicia. Ramslend, wanting to do something that would benefit the newly awakened dreamers, she decided to experiment to see how older dreamers could find newly awakened dreamers in order to aid them. Qyadicia aided Ramslend in her theories, and eventually, they decided to make a combination of three different arts, Sense Dreamer, Locate Dreamer, and Support Train. Sense Dreamer was used for it's ability to locate dreamers in other planes, or on the most popular planes. Locate dreamer was used for it's ability to find a dreamer once you know that dreamer's name. And Support train was used as it can assign the age of a dreamer to the token.
Ramslend was stripped of the three arts, and Qyadicia combined them in order to make them work in a sequence. First Support Train was used in order to give the art a guideline from which it could work. It was then combined with Sense Dreamer. The combination of these two made it so that Sense Dreamer would only sense dreamers who were of a certain age or younger, thus separating the young dreamers from the old, and making the art focused on the newly awakened dreamers who were dreaming. The final step, was adding Locate dreamer to this sequence in order to give the newly awakened dreamers who were sensed a location. With the three of these arts sequenced into one; the art of newly awakened was created. This allows dreamers who are not teachers or guardian/rulers to find newly awakened dreamers without resorting to a "doorbell" that all the guardians and teachers have become accustomed to.
Researched by OfF KiLTeR
Focus: Insight Major (Orbit 40)
Cost: 15 Insight
Evoke Time: 2 Pillars (Decreasing with Plateaus)
Duration: Immediate
Effect: Restores charges to depleted talisman (Up to the max for that type). Each evoke restores between 1 to 1+plat in charges, and has a 10% of outright destroying the talisman, and a futher 10% chance of backfiring and removing 10 charges from the item (both of these chances decrease by 1% per plateau. So at 90 plat, the art has 1% of destroying the item, and another 1% chance of backfiring). Note that any item reduced below 1 charge by backfires is destroyed. The maximum possible charges for each item (Combine only temporarily bypasses these limits. Future recharging of the combined item can only bring it up to the normal talisman maximum for that type).
- Chakram/Forged Blade: 49 Charges
- Alteror: 24 charges
- Elem: 19 charges
- Codex: 99
- Charm: 49 or 99 (Unconfirmed)
- Essence: 199
History: Recharge was invented by the ancient Master Elder DreamWright and DreamSmith, Ibioc. Recharge was one of the latter arts to be invented during the desperation just before the Great Loss when the Nightmare Wars were at their height. Recharge transmutes insight energies using the DreamSeer's intuitive understanding of items into additional charges of whatever elemental energy a charge item needs.
Alternate Histories: Though many believe that the DreamSmith of insight was responsible for the creation of the art of recharge, it was not his invention, though one could say that the discovery of the art was his. Albestor, Dibauda's apprentice, had created an art that had similar properties to that of recharge. Being Dibauda's student, he knew too that he would be sought out and DreamStruck as he was still a threat to the DreamStrike masters. However, the love Albestor felt for the dream was so great that he did not fear for being DreamStruck, but he felt a heavy sense of loss for not having any way of dreamers being able to show other people in his shard any proof of the dreams existence, or being able to pass down his knowledge to others so that they may, one day, enter the dream. Albestor put many days and nights of thought into what he may be able to bring back to his shard. He discovered that by adding his own insight, combined with the DreamSoul that surrounded him everywhere in the dream, he was able to strengthen items, and make them more durable. He conducted many experiments with as many items as he could find. He found that items he loved best were the itemsthat held the most meaning to him. He recharged 3 items to a strength higher and stronger that that of the best abyss shield there was. The first item was a imprisoned essence token given to him in his youth by a SoulMaster DreamSmith. The second was his own essence, which bore his likeness, and the third was a rough scrawling of some of the teachings of DiBauda. From there, grasping 1 item each dream, and channeling his insight and DreamSoul into an item to proportions never before and never again seen he woke. Legend has it that these 3 items disappeared from the dream, and that he was able to carry these items back to his shard, though they have never been substantiated. His discoveries he scrawled upon a wall in Evernight plateau, where he was discovered by the DreamStrike masters. Upon their discovery, they pursued him down Evernight, and DreamStruck him. Only one dreamer discovered his writings before they were lost. Ibioc. Ibioc did not fully understand the purpose of these writings, and changed the amount of insight used to create the art we now know as recharge. Ibioc at first denied the works as his own, but rumors travel faster than even the fastest of dreamers, and eventually could not dispute the creation of the art as his own.
Researched by OfF KiLTeR
Focus: Insight Exclusive (Orbit 1)
Cost: 2 Insight
Evoke Time: 1 Pillar (Decreasing with Plateaus)
Duration: Immediate
Damage: 1-4 unplatted, Each plateau increases the damage as follows:
10-19: 2-6
20-29: 5-10
30-39: 7-12
40-49: 7-18
50-59: 9-23
60-69: 9-28
70-79: 11-30
Effect: Fires a medium speed non-bouncy projectile straight out from the evoke cone.
History: Though the creation of TranceFlame was also created by the same DreamSmith that created FlameShaft. TranceFlame found to be much more easier to create. Aethir knew that others were already working on Focus flame arts. So he decided to create one for those of the focus Insight. He noticed that it didn't require much focusing and Insight for the art to be used. For DreamSeers are always more focused in the dream than the other focuses. So the creation of TranceFlame came to be.
Alternate Histories: Truth be told the art of TranceFlame was created by accident in an attempt to compete with the Senders art of flame. The name of this DreamSeer was Aethir.
He was intrigued by the ability of the Senders to conjure a flame from the fabric of the Dream and set out to out do them. He spent weeks in his laboratory under Evernight testing and researching, using the information he overheard Balthus passing to Tenrik.
Proud of what he was able to accomplish in a controlled environment he acted hastily, as we DreamSeers tend to do when the thirst for knowledge dries in our throats. He stepped out to the plane and began evoking the art, but investing too much of his focus element into its creation the flame went wild and consumed most of Evernight, scorching and blackening everything in sight.
Dismayed but not broken Aethir, returned to his laboratory once again this time more confident in his research and results. He calmed himself and as he evoked, he entered a mild trance state that when coupled with the insight he had gained of the element of fire, allowed him to exert his control over the fire as he fed it just a small amount of his focus to create the ball of flame that shot forth.
Finally having mastered the flame he began to show it to others. Several noticed his trancing state while evoking and coined the name "TranceFlame" that has stuck with it to this day. As a note, it is said the research from his first attempts were used for the foundation of the Sender art of Firestorm. But try to get any Sender to believe that!!!
Researched by Midhir
Focus: Insight Major (Orbit 15)
Cost: 5 Insight
Evoke Time: 2 Pillars (Decreases with Plateaus)
Duration: 1 Minute + 1 Minute per plataeu (Subsequent evokes add 1/2 normal duration)
Effect: Grants a vision effect to the targeted creature. The target is protected from Blindness and can see Chameled or Invisible creatures.
History: Aletta and Rubo were DreamWrights who lived in the city before the Great Loss and they had two children. One day a mob of DM`s attacked the city. Aletta and Rubo defended themselves with other dreamers. under the attack the DM`s disappeared and the dreamers thought the attack was over but just after all the adults dreamers had gone away the DM`s did come back because they had discovered an art that made them invisible and took the children to their lair. Aletta and Rubo were fanatic and went to a mage who lived nearby and asked him to help them get their children back. The mage was very powerful and evoked an art that let dreamers see other dreamers and mares that were chameled. This art he named Vision. Aletta and Rubo were the first that were entrusted with this new art. With this they located the DM`s lair and with their comrades they rescued the children.