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Will Arts

A gatekeepers arts are powered by Will and many come with a great deal of responsibility due to their ease of abuse.  Here's the listing and details of these arts.  As with other categories, all arts will be detailed as follows:

Art Name: Name of the art

Focus: Includes learnable levels

Cost: Amount of focal element used to evoke the art

Evoke Time: Listed in pillars, roughly 1 second per pillar

Duration: Where relevant

Damage: Where relevant

Effect: A basic write up on the arts effects

History: Where known

Alternate Histories: Where relevant

Amulet (Major)


Focus: Will Major (Orbit 20 )

Cost: 1 Will

Evoke Time: Unknown (Decreases with Plateaus)

Duration: Immediate

Effect: Creates an amulet Talisman that allows its holder to bypass any wards created by the Amulet's creator.

History: Shortly after the Nightmare Wars, when a group of Master DreamWrights led by Syriand the Graceful and Lagumbar Staggern had developed the Portals of the dream itself, it was discovered by the Seekers of Knowledge, they discovered that the ambient essence in a contained area was easier to harness. Their efforts and of course their extremely involved studies in this area led to the spawning of many new varieties of arts for the dream. The first of which the Seekers of Knowledge deemed necessary were the Gatekeeper arts known as Ward and Amulet in order to control access to certain areas for a period of time. This is the history behind the great arts of Ward and Amulet.

Alternate Histories: Where Relevant

DreamQuake (Major)


Focus: Will Major (Orbit 60)

Cost: 40 Will

Evoke Time: Unknown (Decreases with Plateaus)

Duration: 4 seconds + 4 seconds per plateau

Effect: Causes a mass stagger effect, hitting everyone in the room except the evokers party members.

History: None known

Flame Shaft (Exclusive)


Focus: Will Exclusive (Orbit 1)

Cost: 2 Will

Evoke Time: 1 Pillar (Decreases with plateaus)

Duration: Immediate


Unplatted: 1-4

10 Plat: 2-6

20 Plat: 5-10

30 Plat: 7-12

40 Plat: 7-18

50 Plat: 9-23

60 Plat: 9-28

70 Plat: 11-30

Effect: Fires a Projectile straight out from the evoker.

History: FlameShaft was developed around the same time as the other flame arts, and was the third. It was created by Aethir, who after seeing Balthus and Tenrik's efforts, decided he could outdo them both. Only taking a week, for he had both of their notes, he finally had the skill necessary to control its flame. He then proceeded to teach it to his students, and won the first "Flamewar" by hurling a boulder across the finish line, before either Balthus or Tenrik did.. He was widely acclaimed as a master Gatekeeper for his work.

Researched by Ballaster

Free Action (Minor)

Free Action

Focus: Will Minor (Orbit 5 for GK, 25 for all others)

Cost: 5 Will

Evoke Time: 2 Pillars (Decreases with Plateaus)

Duration: 1 Minute + 1 Minute per plat (Further evokes while effect is in place add 1/2 normal duration)

Effect: Applies a Free Action effect to the targeted dreamer, which prevents Paralysis and Stagger.  Duration is lost for each effect that is blocked however, equal to three times the duration of the blocked effect.

History: Prior history written has Renrut Nek as the creator of Free Action. As this is indeed true, the reasons for it's creation are not what was depicted in the history. What was detailed in the history was only a rumor and what seems to be a joke among those dreamers that knew him and those that enjoyed dreaming with him. The fact is Renrut did have Arthritis in Cloudsbreak and hated it so much he searched for a cure, but that was in Cloudsbreak.

"Free action was developed by Renrut Nek. Renrut had arthritis, and was teased by Karnek for it. 
Renrut began seeking a cure for his ailment. Karnek decided that he didn't want to stop teasing Renrut, 
so he decided to substitute his notes on paralyze and a strong beer for the arthritis notes. Unaware of 
the change, Renrut developed the art. When completed, Renrut called a Ruler's meeting. He was so 
confident, he evoked it and started to dance. After the rulers finally stopped laughing, they restored his 
broken hip. Renrut departed and left his art behind. It is now the common cure for stagger
and paralyze. The beer in this history later became the foundation for stagger."

You see, Renrut was Illuminated and believed that what effected us in the dream, effected us in Cloudsbreak as well as what effected us in Cloudsbreak, effected us in the dream. And so, his chronic case of Arthritis did indeed effect him in the dream and the knowledge of this was well known by those he called friend within the Dreamstate. Those that were friends with him did tease him about it, but it was all in a joking manner. During this time, the nightmares that to this day still plague our beloved Dreamstate were at the time doing the same. It was with the creation of the art of Paralyze and Stagger that prompted a change in the dream. At first these arts were viewed as a great advantage to dreamers, as they were now becoming widely used against the DarkMares. The dream and those that inhabited it celebrated their uses of the arts themselves, as it proved a great asset in fighting off the Dark Ones. The Dark Ones were defenseless against these two arts, and with this led to many collapses and the weakening of each Dark Mare. Many of us to this day view the Dark Mares as stupid, or not bright. Perhaps the truth is they have knowledge when needed by them. Looking at the fact that they do have a language of their own, it does show some intelligence.

Within history and with what we know today, the Dark Mares are intelligent enough to actually possess the abilities to learn arts that dreamers can learn. It was with this last realization that would show to the dream, that not every advantage would stay as one. Though the arts of Paralyze and Stagger were being used by dreamers widespread against the Dark Ones. It was soon noticed that some of the Dark Mares began possessing these same arts. So, this advantage the dreamers had began to become a disadvantage as well. At the time there was no defense against these arts. With each battle both Dark Mare and Dreamer would collapse. The new advantage became one that the first one to strike with these arts would be the victor. This proved to teeter on advantage and disadvantage from time to time. This is what troubled Renrut more then his Arthritis. Renrut set out to find a defense against these arts. With hopes that the Dark Ones might not learn this art for awhile. We all know now that this would not be the case, but with the creation of Free Action, Renrut was able to neutralize the effects of Stagger and Paralyze in battle with the Dark Ones and hence bring battles against Dark Mares to Chak fire and other arts that proved less damaging to dreamers. Equaling the odds in battle for dreamers was why Renrut Nek created the art of Free Action.

Researched by Raven Lunatic

Gatesmasher (Birth Major)


Focus: Will Exclusive (Birth Art)

Please see entry for Blade Art in Birth Arts, Here.

History: The blade has been through several changes in its history, all to achieve the goal of perfection. It was first created by the DreamWright Aeson Lore, and his brother, Caidon. The two FateSenders worked extremely hard to bring this useful item into the dream from Cloudsbreak. They saw the need for a personal defensive weapon, able to be had by all, to defend against the terrible mistakes of the Entropy Coalition’s great mistake, ‘The Nightmares’, and for a few other reasons. Upon creating this grand tool, ‘The FateSlayer’, they released their knowledge to the public, and taught all they encountered the art (It so came at a later time, the Master DreamWrights decided that it would be a basic fundamental of the Dreamstate, and allowed all who came into the city, to have the art among their general knowledge). Aeson and Caidon didn’t realize they were only partly finished with the art, however. They had succeeded in presenting to the dream the easiest and best weapon to use by all standings, but had not fully experimented with the art. Had they done this, they would have found the reason that only FateSenders could wield the blade they had created, for any reasonable amount of time, and to inflict damage worthy of noting. The two had created the art using the two elements of their souls, that they had the most of, these being Lucidity and DreamSoul. Knowing that FateSenders Dream-wide had these same statistics in common, more Lucidity than all the others, and about as much DreamSoul, explains why other Foci were unable to take advantage of it’s full potential. Research was then demanded by the city populous, to calm the unbalance created there.

After many attempts and failures by the other three foci, there came another DreamWright by the name of Togus. The Gatekeeper had acquired the notes of the Brothers’ Lore, and (after much analyzing and frustration due to the sloppy and erratic scribbling) discovered the error they had made. He set out to recreate the item using his element, Will, and also his DreamSoul. He had shortly after concluded his research, and brought the ‘GateSmasher’ to the city council, to allow his discovery to be tested, evaluated, and approved for teaching to the general Will focused public (which the FateSending brothers never did). The council quickly approved (being made up at the time of many Gatekeepers), noting the error of Aeson and Caidon in hopes the other two foci would start their research in the art

Researched by HiRoGIiFiQ

Kinesis (Major)


Focus: Will Major (Orbit 40)

Cost: Unconfirmed

Evoke Time: 2 Pillars (Descreases with plateaus)

Duration: Immediate

Effect: Ranged single target push effect that disrupts evokes and waking.  Push range is set and does not increase with plateaus.  This art is a vision based one, requiring the evoker to have line of sight to the targets vulnerable area (Everywhere for dreamers, front for Agoknights, back for shamblix, middle of back for Horrons)

History: Unknown

Meditation (Birth Minor)


Please see entry in Birth Arts, Here.

Protection (Minor)


Focus: Will Minor (Orbit 15 for GK, 35 for others)

Cost: 5 Will

Evoke Time: 2 Pillars (Decreases with plateaus)

Duration: 1 Minute + 1 Minute per plateau (Further applications while under the effect add 1/2 normal duration)

Effect: Applies a protection effect that blocks Curse and Bleed effects.  Incoming Curse and Bleed effects reduce the duration by 3 times the incoming effects duration.

History: A GateKeeper named Morden, in service to his friend Fillen created protection. Fillen had an odd Curse on him, one which would cause his Arts to randomly misfire, target the wrong Dreamer, or just plain take a long time to Evoke. What was unique is that the Curse seemingly came on full strength a few moments after he awoke, then slowly dissipated through the day, finishing just before he returned to a slumber. With a great deal of effort, Morden created an Art that would deflect Fillens' Curse. So, when Fillen next awoke, Morden Evoked Protection on Fillen. Seeing that it worked, he taught it to his apprentices, and had them follow Fillen everywhere, to keep him protected.

Reflect (Exclusive)


Focus: Will Exclusive (Orbit 60)

Cost: 20?

Evoke Time: Unknown

Duration: 2 Minutes + 2 Minutes per Plateau

Effect: Creates a protective field around the evoker that reflects all targeted evokes, hostile and beneficial (Except Drain Self which seems to bypass the reflect) back at the originator.  Chance of reflection increases with plateaus.

History:  The art of Reflection was created long before The Nightmare wars by an ancient DreamWright names Pontious. Pontious was a very well respected DarkMare hunter. In fact many would call on him when a DarkMare dreamed and attacked innocent dreamers. Pontious' skill was matched by none in the dream when it came to hunting DarkMares. Pontious had only one problem when hunting DarkMares, and it was something that he was troubled by sometimes. This problem was the fact that he needed to evoke arts on himself to protect himself from the aura's of the DarkMares and their ability to use effects in their shooting. He would need one to protect him against scare, one against paralyze and stagger etc. All this evoking took time, something he didn't have many times when called on to hunt one or when one walked in a room where he was. So, Pontious decided to do some research on the arts in question... Scare, Paralyze, Stagger, Curse and many others. He came up with and idea and a process to create and art that would not only shorten the time taken to prepare for battle with defensive arts, but also eliminate the amount of focus stats used. When his creation was complete he tested it by evoking it on himself the next time a DarkMare dreamed. He went into battle with only this one protective art on. He found out more then he bargained for when he battled the DarkMare and thus renamed the art from Deflection to Reflection as the art not only protected him from the arts of the DarkMare but also reflected them back onto the mare itself! Creating an offense as well.

Researched by Raven Lunatic

Resist Fear (Minor)

Resist Fear

Focus: Will Minor (Orbit 10 for GK, orbit 30 for all others)

Cost: 5 Will

Evoke Time: 2 Pillars (Decreasing with plateaus)

Duration: 1 Minute + 1 Minute per plat

Effect: Creates a Resist Fear effect on the targted dreamer that blocks Scare effects.  Blocked effects decrease the Resist Fear duration by 3 times the duration of the incoming effect.

History: Resist Fear was created by the twin Guardian Keepers, Adelaine and Adelar. Working together they elaborated on Bastian's work, namely that involving the chaos/order relationship inside of Mares. They pondered that since Scare worked on the revelation of Chaos the countering art should focus on Order. Thus, by the evocation of this art we gain a better understanding of the inherent Order around us particularly that which keeps the Chaos in check. Natural order is very reassuring so it counteracts the fear brought on by Chaos. The twins later published their discovery much to the frustration of Bastian who found his "fun" ruined. Apparently he had been having a lot of enjoyment around the House entrances. The twins were not accorded Master status as they developed it from another's work.

Alternate Histories:  It was a young child named Tishan who inspired the art Resist Fear. While others were afraid of most of the large mares, Tishan held tight to her doll, Ruby for comfort. A DreamWright named Artifus took great interest in Tishan, and began working on a new art. Artifus discovered that Tishan's abilities came from the comforting thoughts that Rudy inspired. After some work Artifus created a new art, which inspired dreamers to think of those things which made them feel secure. Thus the art Resist Fear.

Return (Major)


Focus: Will Major (Orbit 50)

Cost: 20 Will

Evoke Time: 4 Pillars (Decreases with plateaus)

Duration: 10 Minutes + 10 MInutes

Effect: Allows the evoker to set an anchor (with the 1 st evoke) and teleport back to it with a 2nd evoke, as long as the 2nd evoke happens within the duration of the anchor.  This art is Abjurable.

History: The art of Return was unheard of before Nightmare Wars, but when Nightmares entered city the Great Combat began. Powerful commanders needed to go through long distances to come from one front to another. It took too long a time to concentrate main forces in the one battle zone, or all Great Warriors to go in House to protect it from emergency alert. In that difficult time was discovered art of Return. We probably will never know name of Great dreamer which created it. History remember only name of the Great GateKeeper which added this powerful art to the Major GateKeeper Arts it was Askold apprentice of Retvizan. He also researched this art and upgrade it and now this art allows to teleport in each (marked before) place, not only into house, as it was at first. Now history will never forget name of this Great Dreamer, created such a powerful art. His name will stay with us forever, as his creation - Major GateKeeper's Art - Art of Return.

Shatter (Major)


Focus: Will Major (Orbit 40)

Cost: 40 Will

Evoke Time: 6 Pillars (Decreases with plateaus)

Duration: Immediate

Effect: Destroys 1 ward on a portal directly in front of the evoker.

History: The origins of shatter date back from before The Great Loss, back to the first recorded chaos eclipse. As the eclipse pushed on, the mares strengthened. New power was created and it was power that could be harnessed. Among this was a great strength of Willpower. This allowed new arts that required more power to be discovered. Orterio, Ruler of Gathering of Entranced, knew much of this strength that existed, and he knew how to harness it. While the rest of his house set out to fight off the mares, he studied, and experimented with the art of ward, he studied its abilities, its strengths, but most of all, its weaknesses. He knew that a ward was bonded to a portal with willpower, but if greater willpower was used, that bond could be broken. His studies pressed on until one day after his house had been attacked by a dark mare, the dark mare was strong, it had warded a few of the houses portals, restricting access to its sanctuary. The dreamers had been collapsed that were fighting it, and the mare roamed the house searching for things it could take. Orterio remained deep in the house, absorbed by his work, when he heard the screams of his brothers and sisters somewhere in the house, he stepped outside and found the mare, it was preparing to leave, so Orterio secured all of the exits and warded in the dark mare, he searched through the house to find all of the other members of the house, he found them trying to get into the sanctuary, but the dark mare had warded its entrances. Finally, he thought of something, he would try out what he had been studying. Orterio approached one of the wards, and gathered all of his strength, he concentrated very deeply, he placed his hands upon it with a gold and teal glow, putting all he was into it, a great flash of light and a horrendous shattering sound, thus uncovering the power to create the art of Shatter.


Focus: Will Major (Orbit 20)

Cost: 20 Will

Evoke Time: 4 Pillars (Decreases with plateaus)

Duration: 10 Minutes

Effect: Creates a "Lock" or Ward on the portal in front of the evoker.  This prevents anyone (Including the creator) from using the portal without an Amulet from the creator.

History: The ancient DreamWright, Renrut Nek, created the art of ward for the sole purpose of having some privacy, as he was bothered constantly by unwanted visitors.

Alternate Histories: (FICTIONAL) Several have requested that I repost my story of how the earliest GateKeepers discovered Ward, so without further ado...

Plane Squids:

Once upon a time in the dream, GateKeepers didn't really have any arts of their own, just borrowed ones like blade and flame...
Lagumbar Staggern invented the portal and felt sorry for them, so he told them to watch the new portals and make sure nobody walked off with them...
The GK's were happy to have something to do but even they got bored after awhile...
Now in those days almost every part of the dream had these little 6 legged critters living in them called Plane Squids...
They were harmless and pretty slow... so the bored GK's gathered them up and invented a game where you threw them at the portal and tried to make them stick...
This was great fun, for the GK's anyway, but then Lagumbar came along and found out he couldn't use the portal cause there was Plane Squid stuck in it...
He went off and told the GK's they better unstick his portal before he came back or he was gonna open them a new orifice...
They tried everything...even that trick you use when some dummy touches his tongue to a metal post in the winter and nothing worked...
They could hear Lagumbar returning and were in a panic when the poor squid just sort of melted away...Staggern just muttered "Bloody good thing" and passed through...
After they calmed down, the GK's figured that could be pretty handy in a fight and started gathering up Plane Squids to throw at portals during a war...
Sadly the Plane Squid reproduces slowly in the wild and not at all in captivity and soon became extinct...
So they had to finally invent the substitute art we see today, but that's why Wards look the way they do...

The End

Thanks to Ishido

Alternate Histories: Shortly after the Nightmare Wars, when a group of Master DreamWrights led by Syriand the Graceful and Lagumbar Staggern had developed the Portals of the dream itself, it was discovered by the Seekers of Knowledge, they discovered that the ambient essence in a contained area was easier to harness. Their efforts and of course their extremely involved studies in this area led to the spawning of many new varieties of arts for the dream. The first of which the Seekers of Knowledge deemed necessary were the Gatekeeper arts known as Ward and Amulet in order to control access to certain areas for a period of time. This is the history behind the great arts of Ward and Amulet.

Ward (Major)

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