The Talisman Pages
There are two classes of talisman in the city of dreams. The first are those talisman that can be found from lesser mares, or created via the dreamer art "Forge Talisman". The 2nd are those rare and often unique items, also known as artifacts or relics. We'll go over the basic talisman here, then get into some of the Relics and Artifacts that can or have been found over the years.
Normal Talisman
These are the items that can be found throughout the City of Dreams. They are found spawned from mechanisms within the city, and dropped by the Lesser Mares.
General: Chakrams are the basic ranged projectile Weapon, firing a single flame straight out from the bearer, and come in a range of damages and speeds. Damages determine the overall level of the chakram.
The speeds are : Minimum, Very Slow, Slow, Moderate, Fast, Very Fast, Fastest.
The first colour of a chakram determines what focus can use it, while the 2nd colour indicates any particular effects that the chakram holds. The first colours also indicate an overall hierarchy of the chakram in terms of quality as indicated on the following:
- First Range: Blood (GK), Teal (DS), Plum (SM), Tan (FS): between 0 and 30 in level (Usually found in the 0-15 range). Always Minimum (Usually), Very Slow (Often), or Slow (Rarely) in speed. Never found with effects. Found in low level gens guarded by Emphants and Bogroms, those same mares often drop these chakrams.
- Second Range: Fire (GK), Cyan (DS), Berry (SM), Earth (FS): Between 9 and 46 in levels (usually found in the 20 to 40 range). They're often V.slow (Sometimes), Slow (Often), or Moderate (Often), Fast (Sometimes), V.Fast (Rarely) in speed. Found from mid-level (Agoknight level) gens. Also dropped by those same mares.
- Third Range: Gold (GK), Azure (DS), Sand (SM), Abyss (FS): Between 19 and 50 in levels (usually found in the 27-46 range). All speeds possible, though... Minimum (Rarely), Very Slow (Rarely), Slow (Occasionally), Moderate (Occasionally), Fast (Often), Very Fast (Occasionally), Fastest (Occasionally). Often have effects. Top tier gens guarded by Shamblix and Horron only, also dropped by those same mares.
Gatekeeper Chakrams:
- Blood (Range 1)
- Fire (Range 2)
- Gold (Range 3)
Dreamseer Chakrams:
- Teal (Range 1)
- Cyan (Range 2)
- Azure (Range 3)
Soulmaster Chakrams:
- Plum (Range 1)
- Berry (Range 2)
- Abyss (Range 3)
Fatesender Chakrams:
- Tan (Range 1)
- Earth (Range 2)
- Abyss (Range 3)
The 2nd colour of a chakram tells you the effects that are attached to a particular chakram, as detailed below.
- Chalk: None
- Earth: Bleed (Low damage over time effect, stacks with Poison, blocked by Protection)
- Night: Deafen (Prevents target from hearing speech, causes annoying buzzing in ears)
- Azure: Stagger (Causes target to stumble around without control. Blocked by Free Action)
- Plum: Scare (Causes target to flee in terror. Blocked by Resist Fear)
- Berry: Poison (Causes target significant Damage over time. Blocked by Sable Shield)
- Sand: Curse (Causes targets arts to fail more frequently. Blocked by Protection)
- Beige: Blind (Causes target to be unable to see anything, including other peoples actions. Blocked by Vision)
- Tan: Paralyse (Causes target to be unable to move or evoke hostile arts. Can still use talisman. Blocked by Free Action)
Elemens basically hold concentrated doses of the different focus elements, and using these talisman restores a certain amount of the elemens element to the user. The exact amount restored varies by Elemen colour. First colour of an elemen determines its restored Element, while Second colour determines the amount restored per use. All elemens fall into one of three ranges in a very similar manner to chakrams. So a Blood Earth, or Berry Earth elemen both restore a flat 25, as does any other 2nd tier elemen of earth 2nd colour.
These are the tiers, and the first colours that make up that range. In each range are broken down the secondary colour ranges (Note that cursed elems do NOT follow these ranges)
These are the ranges as of the last 1/4 of 2017
1st Tier: Chalk (Dreamsoul); Gold (Will); Cyan (Insight); Plum (Resilience); Beige (Lucidity)
Note: These ranges are given in Emphant/Bogrom/Known Cursed format
2nd Colour:
Chalk, Blood: 4-7/9-16/-1-8/-4-7, Fire: 1-6/9-16/-1-8, Gold: 4-9/9-16, Jade: 7-12/9-16, Teal: 5-12/2-16, Cyan: 2-16/6-15/-9-16, Night: 4-10/2-16/-9-16, Azure: 4-10/3-30, Plum: 5-15/3-30, Berry: 10-22/5-25, Sand: 3-9/7-14, Beige: 5-14/10-20/-2-16, Tan: 4-12/10-20, Earth: 4-16/10-30, Abyss: 5-15/10-30/-2-16
2nd Tier: Blood (Dreamsoul); Jade (Will); Night (Insight); Berry (Resilience); Tan (Lucidity)
2nd Colour:
Chalk; Blood; Fire; Gold; Jade: 10-22/-1-8, Teal; Cyan; Night: 12-40/-9-16, Azure; Plum; Berry; Sand: 10-30/-1-20, Beige: Flat 35, Tan: Flat 30/-2-16, Earth; Abyss: Flat 25/-2-16
3rd Tier: Fire (Dreamsoul); Teal (Will); Azure (Insight); Sand (Resilience); Earth (Lucidity)
2nd Colour:
Chalk: Unconfirmed/-1-20, Blood; Fire: 1-50, Gold: Unconfirmed, Jade: 1-50, Teal: 10-30, Cyan: Unconfirmed, Night: Unconfirmed/-9-16, Azure: 10-30, Plum: Unconfirmed, Berry; Sand: 2-40/-1-20, Beige; Tan: 7-22, Earth: 12-40, Abyss: Flat 25
Old Elemen Ranges (Defunct as of the last 1/4 of 2017):
1st Tier: Chalk (Dreamsoul); Gold (Will); Cyan (Insight); Plum (Resilience); Beige (Lucidity)
2nd Colour:
Chalk: 1-8; Blood: 1-4; Fire: 4-7; Gold: 1-6 or 1-20; Jade: 1-30; Teal: 7-12; Cyan: 2-20; Night: 6-15; Azure: 4-10; Plum: 3-24; Berry: 3-30; Sand: 5-25; Beige: 5-10; Tan: 7-14; Earth: 4-16 or 10-20; Abyss: 5-15 or 10-30
2nd Tier: Blood (Dreamsoul); Jade (Will); Night (Insight); Berry (Resilience); Tan (Lucidity)
2nd Colour:
Chalk, Blood: 1-30; Fire: 1-40; Gold, Jade, Teal: 2-20; Cyan, Night: 12-40; Azure, Plum: 4-8; Berry, Sand: 10-30; Beige: 35; Tan: 30; Earth, Abyss: 25
3rd Tier: Fire (Dreamsoul); Teal (Will); Azure (Insight); Sand (Resilience); Earth (Lucidity)
2nd Colour:
Chalk, Blood, Fire, Gold: 1-50; Jade, Teal, Cyan: 2-6; Night, Azure, Plum: 2-40; Berry, Sand, Beige: 3-6; Tan, Earth, Abyss: 4-8
NOTE: The Teal and Sand entries for the 3rd Tier are anecdotal based on the patterns of the elems since I haven’t been able to find even a single un-cursed example of these elems.
Shields are protective devices, meant to absorb a certain percentage (determined by the Shields 1st colour) of incoming damage. Like anything, they can only take a certain amount of punishment before they break though (Determined by the 2nd colour). A couple of us are in the process of updating this chart of shields statistics per colour, (There seems to be a little bit of variance from this chart, but what we have so far indicates that this is pretty accurate) but it is unlikely to be completed for a month or so. I'll update this once we have the chart completed.
Item Statistics:
Chalk: Absorption: 2 to 4 %; Durability: 10 to 11
Blood: Absorption: 5 to 9%; Durability: 12 to 17
Fire: Absorption: 10 to 14%; Durability: 18 to 23
Gold: Absorption: 15 to 19%; Durability: 24 to 29
Jade: Absorption: 20 to 24%; Durability: 30 to 35
Teal: Absorption: 25 to 29%; Durability: 36 to 41
Cyan: Absorption: 30 to 34%; Durability: 42 to 47
Night: Absorption: 35 to 39%; Durability: 48 to 53
Azure: Absorption: 40 to 44%; Durability: 54 to 59
Plum: Absorption: 45 to 49%; Durability: 60 to 64
Berry: Absorption: 50 to 54%; Durability: 65 to 71
Sand: Absorption: 55 to 59%; Durability: 70 to 77
Beige: Absorption: 60 to 64%; Durability: 78 to 83
Tan: Absorption: 65 to 69%; Durability: 80 to 89
Earth: Absorption: 70 to 73%; Durability: 90 to 95
Abyss: Absorption: 74-75%; Durability: 96 to 99
Select your shields for the situations you usually find yourself in. Recommended shield types for different purposes are below:
- Light Combat/General Wear: Gold or Jade first colour, Tan or darker for 2nd colour.
- Heavy Combat/Ambush expectation: Tan or Darker on both colours
- Datoken/Shamblix hunting: Cyan, Night, Azure, or Plum first colour. Tan or darker for 2nd colour.
Arnaya Advice:
If your one of those that doesn't usually wear shields because traditionally recommended shields vape too fast, or you think your too tough to have to worry about one.... there is now someone running around shooting a level 90 chakram. This chakram does roughly 10 to 99 dreamsoul in damage with every shot... which means he can theoretically one shot an unshielded 9th sphere.
So, Arnaya recommends that everyone carry at least a Fire or Gold first colour... and Earth or Abyss 2nd colour shield. Ideally a couple of them. These shields can take a lot of punishment even from an opponent like I mentioned above, and will usually keep you coherant against any one shot (assume the shield has 10% absorption, a 99 damage shot will only deal 88 to 89 to the shields wearer).
Alterors are talisman that grant a certain effect on the user of the Alteror. While most are beneficial, curse alterors are not uncommon... though tend to have fairly short durations. The affect applied depends on the 2nd colour of the Alteror, as detailed below:
- Jade: Free Action (Protects against Paralize and Stagger effects)
- Blood: Vision (Protects against Blindness, penetrates Chamele and Invisibility)
- Gold: Protection (Prevents Curse and Bleed)
- Fire: Resist Fear (Protects against Scare effects)
- Teal: Chamele (Invisibility, broken when any offensive act is taken).
The 1st Colour of an alteror determines the duration of its effect (Note: Using an alteror while already under the effects it grants, halves the duration listed. So, if you are already protected by Free Action, using the best Beige Jade alteror would result in you only gaining 10 to 20 minutes more duration instead of the normal 20 to 40 minutes). Please refer to the following colour chart to see the ranges for each colour:
NOTE: if a range is given, the actual duration of the effect is random within that range every time the alteror is used. If several ranges are listed, it means that any given alteror has ONE of those ranges and its duration is always within its set range. Identify the alteror to get its exact statistics.
Current Ranges:
- Chalk: 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 minutes
- Blood: 45 sec, 50 sec, 1-3 min, 1-5 min
- Fire: 30-90 sec, 1-2 min
- Gold: 1-2 min
- Jade: 1-3 min, 5-10 min
- Teal: 1-2 min, 1-4 min
- Cyan, Night: 1-2 min
- Azure: 1-2 min, 5-10 min
- Plum: 1-3 min
- Berry: 1-4 min
- Sand: 1-5 min
- Beige: 20-40 min
- Tan: 10-20 min
- Earth: 5-10 min, 5-15 min
- Abyss: 3-6
Old Ranges: Defunct as of the last 1/4 of 2017
- Chalk: 40 seconds
- Blood: 1 to 10 seconds
- Fire: 1 to 30 seconds
- Gold: 15 to 30 seconds OR 30 to 60 seconds
- Jade: 15 seconds OR 20 seconds OR 30 seconds
- Teal: 1 to 10 seconds OR 1 to 15 seconds OR 45 seconds
- Cyan: 10 to 20 seconds OR 1 to 45 seconds
- Night: 15 to 30 seconds
- Azure: 50 seconds
- Plum: 1 to 45 seconds OR 10 to 20 seconds
- Berry: 30 to 60 seconds OR 30 to 90 seconds
- Sand: 1 to 2 minutes OR 1 to 4 minutes
- Beige: 10 to 20 minutes OR 10 to 30 minutes OR 20 to 40 minutes
- Tan: 3 to 6 minutes OR 4 to 9 minutes OR 5 to 10 minutes
- Earth: 1 to 4 minutes OR 1 to 10 minutes OR 1 to 30 minutes
- Abyss: 30 to 95 seconds OR 1 to 2 minutes
NOTE: This list was compiled after extensive testing over several weeks, but it is quite possible you may find an alteror of a given colour with a different range than what I have noted. If you do, please let me know so I can update the list. Thank you.
Hostile art effects reduce the duration of your protective arts by 3 times the hostile arts normal duration (roughly). So if a hostile effect normally lasts for 30 seconds, you lose a minute and half of your protective art duration everytime that hostile art hits you. If the hostile art reduces your protective duration to nothing, the hostile art will affect you. So, general terms... it is nearly useless to carry any alteror that does not have at least a couple minutes duration to it. My personal guideline, is Beige all the way. If I need an alteror, my fall back colour is usually Tan, though Earth and Sand are still usable without having to drain the alteror completely for a single fight.
An often under valued talisman, these very slow or minimum speed projectiles bestow a personal effect (Such as Free Action, Protection, or Vision) on the target hit by them. These projectiles do not do any damage. While few people carry charms on them routinely, they can be immensely useful in preparing a large number of people for battle... and some Forgers make use of this by creating Charms as they are needed for arting their supported parties. Durations per shot tend to be fairly low (usually seems to be about 2 minutes per projectile hit, half duration increase if target is already under the effect of that art).
The exception to the normal durations are Curse Charms (Must be forged), with the duration being about 4 minutes per hit.
The First colour of a charm determines what focus can use the charm as follows:
- Chalk: Gatekeeper
- Jade: Dreamseer
- Azure: Soulmaster
- Beige: Fatesender
The 2nd colour determines what effect is bestowed by the projectile.
- Blood: Vision (Prevents Blindness, allows affected to see through Chamele and Invisibility)
- Fire: Resist Fear (Prevents scare effects)
- Jade: Free Action (Prevents Paralize and Stagger effects)
- Gold: Protection (Blocks Curse and Bleed effects)
- Teal: Chamele (Invisibility, penetrated by Vision. Broken by any offensive action).