Artifacts and Relics
These items are extremely rare, and usually the result of groups of dreamers working together to create in complicated rituals., though some are the creations of extremely powerful beings known as Artificers. Elders by power level, Sphere, and knowledge, Artificers have created a wide variety of items as a matter of course that the rest of the dreamers can only... well... dream of creating.
House Primes:
These artifacts are bound to one of the great houses each, and are central to the houses operation (and, in many cases, the houses beliefs). Their purpose is to take in and process maren energy, storing the residual for use by the house. The houses can use this energy for a wide variety of effects, including initiating dreamers into the house, demoting dreamers from it, ascending or demoting members from leadership, Creating Power Tokens, and to power various rituals. The Prime Artifacts are Primed items, and cannot be carried while a dreamer wakes or is reduced to incoherence.
Heart of the Union
UoC: Free Soul Draining Prime
Dreaming Stone
Most, if not all, Houses have an artifact that exemplifies their beliefs, for us this was the Dreaming Stone. It could imprison mass quantities of essences at once and did not require the user to be a fifth sphere soulmaster. If and when the Houses are reopened they will all have an artifact to follow their beliefs so it is important to know what happens when one manipulates them. Artifacts of this nature can take banished and imprisoned mare tokens, but this does nothing in essence once the mare has been imprisoned or banished there is no known way to reverse it. Draining, House Primes contain the strength from the essences they have processed, this can be drained, it does no real harm as it has already done its job to the essences. (This may change somewhat if they start to do something as well that uses the strength).
~By Onyx Nightblade
DoL: Illuminate Imprisoning Prime
Entrancement Stone
GoE: Enlightened (Illuminate) Cleansing Prime
Heart of the Shadow
KoES: Enlightened (Free Soul) Containing/Drawing (Draining) Prime
Orb of Calenture
HC: Free Soul Banishing Prime
Sable Sphere
OoSM: Free Soul Imprisoning Prime
Soul of the Radiance
PoR: Illuminate Banishing Prime
Star of Alliance
AoE: Enlightened (Illuminate) Cleansing Prime
Other Artifacts
These are some of the other artifacts of importance that have surfaced throughout the cities combined histories. We'll give a basic break down of each item and their exact statistics and powers as best known. Creators will be included where available, along with their city of origin. Most of these Artifacts are also usually primed, so unable to be woken with and are dropped on collapse.
Blades of Calenture
These blades were originally planned to be a set of 10 blades (1 for each active member of the house), though only 3 were created. When used together in a ritual called the Rite of Infliction, the blades are meant to inflict a long lasting and severe form Calenture (A virulent fever that severely weakens the target of the rite).
Spear of Calenture: SM 60 Blade, Flat 30 Damage, Poison
Sword of Calenture: SM 50 Blade, Flat 25 Damage, Poison
Claymore of Calenture: DS 60 Blade, Flat 30 Damage, Poison
A set of 3 Artifact blades forged by House Calenture for Defense of the city
Codex of Immortal Dreams
The Codex of Immortal Dreams was created by the Dreamstrike Masters in the ancient past of the Lyran city, to lock away the art of Dreamstrike. Originally it was broken into 10 pieces, 9 pages plus the binder, and spread among the houses and Free Spirits to guard. The codex emerged again with "The Cowled One", who would grant the art of Dreamstrike to anyone who could bring him 5 pages of CoID. At this point, there were believed to be between 13 and 15 pages, some of the original ones being broken to make up 3 "sets" for the Cowled Ones purposes. Once redeemed, these pages were scattered around the dream again.
Most recently, Xun'rok, General of the Templars (Formerly FreeSoul Templars) was seeking the pages to counter Zaxun, General of the Vanguard (Formerly Illuminate Vanguard). The 4 houses each scrambled to collect the pages, with HC and OoL passing them back and forth to prevent them from transporting.
A set of talisman that, when combined, allow the holder to learn the Fell Art of Dreamstrike
The Destroyer
The Fatesender focus blade of the Lyran era. One of 4 required to utilize the Chaos Ritual to destroy a Darkmare (Only possible during a chaos eclipse).
Fatesender Focus Blade, Lyran Era
Dreamers Blight
The Dreamseer focus blade of the Lyran era. One of the 4 blades required to use the Chaos Ritual. Uncertain if it has been reforged for the Ixian Era.
Dreamseer Focus Blade, Lyran Era
Mace of Castigation
Idoaclesian, Dreamstrike Weapon. Current Wielder: Zaxun, General of the Vanguard
The Protector
The Lyran Era gatekeeper Focus Blade. One of the 4 required to utilize the Chaos Ritual to destroy a darkmare (Only possible during a Chaos Eclipse).
GK Focus Blade, Lyran Era
Serpents Venom
One of the four Lyran focus blades that could be focused to destroy a darkmare via the Chaos Ritual. This blade was recently reforged by the Soulmaster Guild as one of the last projects of Selika in her role as head of the Soulmaster Guild before she turned the Guild over to Arnaya.
Soulmaster Focus Blade, Lyran Origin
Vanguard Blade
These blades were customized to each wielder's ability and focus (The one example I was able to directly examine was a Dreamseer 60, flat 30 damage) and held Chaos Vortex on hit, same as the Mace of Castigation. The blades description is as follows:
The blade appears to be coated in a blood red glowing material. The symbol of the Vanguard is emblazoned on the center of the hilt. The guard is made of six bladed edges in a circular pattern.
A blade given to the followers of the Vanguard (Formerly the Illuminate Vanguard)