Projectile Colours
During my research on this, it was discovered that the color of the projectile changed dependent on the damage range of the chakram or projectile in question. Chakrams of the same level will have difference colored projectiles if their damage ranges vary. 50's for example can be 1 to 50 or flat 25 damage, and each has a different colored projectile.
The actual bolt has 2 colors to it, a Core and a Corona, while the burst of a projectile has 3. A core, a Corona, and a Flare (The core and flare are often the same color, but not always). Both will be detailed, with color accurate pictures where possible (Pictures arn't available for all of them yet)
Level 0 to 9 Projectiles:
All of these projectiles have identical colors, regardless of level and damage rating. If it is level 9 or below, it has these colors.
Damage: 0, 1, 2, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 (All are level 0), 1-6 (Level 6), 2-6 (Level 7), 1-8, 2-6 (Both are Level 8), 4-7 (Level 9)
Projectile: Chalk Core and Corona
Burst: Chalk Core, Corona, and Flare

Level 10 Projectiles:
Damage: 1-10
Projectile: Plum Core, Chalk Aura
Burst: Plum Core, Chalk Corona, and Plum Flare

Level 11 Projectiles:
Damage: 4-9
Projectile: Plum Core, Chalk Corona
Burst: Plum Core, Chalk Corona, and Plum Flare
Damage: 3-9, 4-8
Projectile: Chalk Core, Chalk Corona
Burst: Chalk Core, Corona, and Flare

Level 12 Projectiles:
Damage: 4-10, 1-12
Projectile: Plum Core, Chalk Aura
Burst: Plum Core, Chalk Corona, and Plum Flare

Level 14 Projectiles:
Damage: 5-10
Projectile: Chalk Core, Chalk Aura
Burst: Chalk Core, Corona, and Flare
Damage: 5-12
Projectile: Plum Core, Chalk Corona
Burst: Plum Core, Chalk Corona, Plum Flare

Level 15 Projectiles:
Damage: 7-12
Projectile: Plum Core, Chalk Corona
Burst: Plum Core, Chalk Corona, Plum Flare

Level 18 Projectiles:
Damage: 6-15
Projectile: Plum Core, Chalk Corona
Burst: Plum Core, Chalk Corona, Plum Flare

Level 19 Projectiles:
Damage: 7-14
Projectile: Chalk Core, Chalk Corona

Level 20 Projectiles:
Damage: 10
Projectile: Plum Core, Berry Corona
Burst: Plum Core, Berry Corona, Plum Flare
Damage: 5-15
Projectile: Plum Core, Azure Corona
Burst: Plum Core, Azure Corona, Plum Flare

Level 22 Projectiles:
Damage: 8-16
Projectile: Plum Core, Azure Corona
Burst: Plum Core, Azure Corona, Plum Flare

Level 23 Projectiles:
Damage: 3-18
Projectile: Plum Core, Azure Corona
Burst: Plum Core, Azure Corona, Plum Flare

Level 27 Projectiles:
Damage: 10-22
Projectile: Gold Core, Plum Corona
Burst: Gold Core, Plum Corona, Gold Flare
Damage: 5-21
Projectile: Gold Core, Chalk Corona
Burst: Gold Core, Chalk Corona, Gold Flare
Damage: 10-20

Level 30 Projectiles:
Damage: 1-30
Projectile: Teal Core, Berry Corona
Burst: Teal Core, Berry Corona, Jade Flare
Damage: 7-22
Projectile: Cyan Core, Berry Corona
Burst: Cyan Core, Berry Corona, Jade Flare
Damage: 15
Projectile: Plum Core, Plum Corona
Burst: Plum Core, Plum Corona, Plum Flare

Level 31 Projectiles:
Damage: 7-22
Projectile: Gold Core, Chalk Corona
Burst: Gold Core, Chalk Corona, Gold Flare
Damage: 9-23

Level 33 Projectiles:
Damage: 5-25
Projectile: Gold Core, Chalk Corona
Burst: Gold Core, Chalk Corona, Gold Flare

Level 38 Projectiles:
Damage: 3-30
Projectile: Teal Core, Berry Corona
Burst: Teal Core, Berry Corona, Jade Flare

Level 40 Projectiles:
Damage: 1-40
Projectile: Teal Core, Berry Corona
Burst: Teal Core, Berry Corona, Jade Flare
Damage: 10-30
Projectile: Gold Core, Chalk Corona
Burst: Gold Core, Chalk Corona, Gold Flare

Level 41 Projectiles:
Damage: 2-40
Projectile: Teal Core, Berry Corona
Burst: Teal Core, Berry Corona, Jade Flare

Level 46 Projectiles:
Damage: 12-40
Projectile: Teal Core, Plum Corona
Burst: Teal Core, Plum Corona, Teal Flare

Level 50 Projectiles:
Damage: 1-50
Projectile: Teal Core, Abyss Corona
Burst: Teal Core, Abyss Corona, Teal Flare
Damage: 25

Level 60 Projectiles:
Damage: 30
Projectile: Jade Core, Jade Corona
Burst: Jade Core, Jade Corona, Jade Flare