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Non-House Organizations

This section of the archive is dedicated to the various non-house organizations that have been active within the city of dreams.  Notable members, organization goals and purposes, and some of the activities of the groups will be covered.

Conclave of Souls

The Conclave of Souls is the former SoulMaster Guild, renamed after it opened its project roster to Fatesenders and Gatekeepers due to their lack of a guild.  Though formal leadership of the Conclave has not been defined, Arnaya is the generally recognized Chair of the guild.

Current dreamers with access to the Guild Hall are: Arnaya, Aileron, Dina, Snow Angel, Shae, and Vampyro

The Soulmaster Focus Guild


The Consortium is a group comprised exclusively of elder power dreamers, universally multi-focus. Apparently comprised of a number of "Cells".  Recently a schism has broken out in its ranks, causing a civil war within the faction.  The groups prime activity time within the city of Underlight caused much strife and forced the cities houses to rally against the group, breaking their command structure and imprisoning two of the Commanders (Raena Demora and Herbert, once Herbert took Raena's position) within the palisades.  The remainder of the group (Excepting Kael Lupich, who was granted custody of the Consortiums stronghold on the Valley of Totality and subsequently granted the Peace Corpse access, becoming their senechal) left the city of underlight and returned to their main stronghold elsewhere in the dreamscape.

A group dedicated to keeping the balance (Described as being active) and opposing imbalance (Inaction)

Dreamseer Guild

The general guild of the Dreamseer focus.  Revived and Chaired by LadySilver and Arlyana Jax.  They have recently maintained an activity level sufficient to grant them access to their focal Guildhall.  The Guild's purpose is to advance the arts and knowledge of the Dreamseer focus, often working on improving existing arts or trying to create new ones.

The Dreamseer Focus Guild

Fatesender Guild

The Fatesender Guild has had an even harder time getting anything going than the Gatekeeper Guild.  Wildly erratic attendance and lack of general interest has seemed to be the main downfalls of any attempts to organize the members of this focus.  Like the Gatekeepers, they have been unable to maintain a level of activity that would allow them to access their Guild Hall.

The Focal Guild of the Fatesenders

FreeSoul Templars

The Freesoul Templars were formed by dreamers that rose to prominence between the time that the Lyran dreamers were driven from the city by the darkmaren forces, and the Clash that gave birth to the Ixian era and allowed both Lyrans and Idoaclesians access to the dream again.  The Freesoul Templars were occasionally at odds with the Idoaclesian based Realms Watch, but became closely allied with them for some time when opposing Zaxun and the Illuminate vanguard, or the Arretian/Darkmaren forces.  The Templars are led by Commander Xun'rok.  Numerous battles were fought across the dreamscape by the Templars in defense of various cities and alongside the Realms Watch.

During this time, the Templars cast aside their Freesoul focus, taking in numerous refugees of destroyed cities, several of which were illuminate in belief but shared the goal of stopping the Arretian/Darkmare/Vanguard forces.

Eventually, Xun'rok followed Zaxun to the city of Underlight, and with the aid of the dreamers of that city, was able to learn Dreamstrike and successfully strike Zaxun of the Vanguard.  At that point, Xun'rok declared himself the protector of the city of Underlight and began draining energy from the Spirits of unoccupied houses, essentially destroying them to empower himself.  It is uncertain as to the future of the Templars with the apparent defection of their leader.

A Freesoul group that rose to prominence between the Lyran and Ixian eras

Gatekeeper Guild

The Gatekeeper Guild has had a very rough time, and been generally unable to get any solid traction to work on many projects due to fluctuating dreamer involvement and lack of solid leadership.  Xererth of House Calenture is the most recent member of this focus to try and revive the guild.  They have been, to date, unable to maintain the level of activity required to gain their Guild House art.  

The Focal guild of Gatekeepers

Illuminate Vanguard

The Illuminate Vanguard rose to prominence under the leadership of the General Zaxun, after the time of the Lyran's... when the Darkmaren forces drove the dreamers from the city, and the Ixion era when the clash of Underlight and Idoaclesia allowed the return of the lyans and Idoaclesians to the dream.  Originally fanatics of the Illuminate belief, Zaxun declared war on the Freesoul Templars and Idoaclesian Realms Watch... gaining the Mace of Castigation from Bandarette and going on a dreamstrike rampage.  

Eventually, the Vanguard discarded the Illuninate banner, becoming obsessed with the destruction of the Freesoul Templars and their leader Xun'rok before all else.  This led them to ally with the Darkmaren and Arretian forces destroying cities throughout the dreamscape.

Zaxun was eventually dreamstruck by Xun'rok with the aid of the dreamers of underlight after Zaxun struck several of them for refusing to become Conscripts in his army.

A fallen group of Illuminates who rose to power in Underlight between the Lyran and Ixion eras

Planar Creationists

The concept of Creation is widely argued by many in the city, some based on their own shardic lives, others by the experiences they have developed while visiting Underlight.
For Underlight Creationists, we believe in 5 fundamental truths, relating to our existence within the city, the events that unfold, and the pathways we walk, and discover.

Existence: Without the ability to both forge our minds, and our avatars, would existence still be possible? Yes, we believe so, while it may be chaotic in nature, the ability to exist even without a body form is possible in Underlight, and those varied creations are seen as either chaotic in nature, or unknown in nature, some of which dreamers will attempt to investigate, while others would seek to destroy.

Substance: This goes hand in hand with existence, without substance, both in corporeal form, and soul form, can you still exist within the dream? Again the answer is yes. Substance in traditional notes means to have a abrasive additive to one self, that allows objects to touch, or push through with a resistance nature. As Creationists, we see substance on a degree of levels, both intellectually, and metaphysically, meaning that while you may not have a physical substance to interact with, you may have a mental ability which would in turn allow substance to be added.

Adaption: This one is a little more easy to explain, Adaption is key to the survival, and existence of any living being, both in a dream, and on a shard, this means to have the ability to see changes, or omens if you will, and have a reasonable idea of possible outcomes, and adapting to either prevent, or welcome that change whether for good, or bad. Adaption is the corner stone to what we see as acceptance, and defiance, rolled into one concept.

Sustainment: Can you sustain yourself, even in the face of impending doom; well perhaps not doom per say, but perhaps instead discontent? It’s very easy to see in this dream, how easy one's faith is changed, for power, prestige, and privilege, Creationists, will go where they need to go for the entire City, regardless of the rank or rewards that come, or don’t come because of it. While we currently reside in the Alliance of the Eclipse for example, it’s not because of a faith we share with the members, but rather a mission requirement, to repair, and enhance the house at the request of its rulers. Once that mission is finished we will demote, and move on to the next need.

Mission: What is the mission of a Creationist? We see the City as a Shimmer, or many layers. This means that we have accepted we are not the only city, nor are we the only inhabitants. We believe that Underlight. Is simply a large portal, or hub, a Threshold itself universally placed, where many cities, when they have risen to the knowledge level required, can visit. This simply means we are not the first, nor the last beings to find Underlight. Each monumental shift of the shimmer, or bridge to the cities, is referred to as a Chaos Eclipse, and some fear, some ignore, and others fight these shifts.

This concludes the information relating to Creationists. Next week I will discuss Planers, and how the two work with one another.

Signed Golah
Follower and Co-Leader of Planer Creationists.

The belief of a Planer is slightly different than that of a Creationist. Unlike Creationists, and even Dreamers themselves, Planers believe in the life-force of the City of Dreams, they see the city as a living breathing, ever adapting and changing entity. Anything done within the city is because the city either wants it done, or needs it done.
For Underlight Planers believe in 10 Principles of Creation, and Destruction, these guided laws if you will are the foundation to how they operate and why.

Because the city is believed to be alive, Planers will work to communicate with the city, we have evidence that the city responds via actions, or deed, to let citizens that are tuned and listening know what it wants, or needs, and how receptive it is to our wants and needs as well.

From time to time, we visitors have been given tools from the city, or from another of the city in order to build, enhance, reinforce, and repair areas of the city, we are even given blueprints as to how to begin those actions. The mission of a Planer is always first what the city needs and wants, over our own wants and desires.

It’s our belief that our threshold is not the only threshold. We believe that the Unknown and Palisades hold key entry points for other cities with which is used for their own entry into this city, we firmly believe that unless proven beyond a doubt that these dreamers are an enemy to the city, that all beings deserve a chance to experience the city as we do, and will share knowledge between them to enhance our own lives.

Focus on this area has been on and off over the years, we see the area of the Unknown as a Universal Threshold at the height point of the shimmer, that is to say, we believe that the shimmer is a vortex that rotates its entry around the Unknown, and every so often will stop on a various entry point, and stay for a limited amount of time. It’s at the time of stoppage that the two cities are able to interact with one another.

It has become evident over time, that Death in the city is not what we once thought it was. Having seen Struck Dreamers and Mares return from what was once thought of as death, is clearly not what it is. To us we are beginning to see Death as but another journey for the soul to take, and that with enough will and determination, even those killed in battle can one day return to the City of Dreams. One special area of focus is to work to return dreamers killed during the strike wars, and reintegrate them into the city.

We believe that the city is at all times connected to many other cities via the shimmer, we also believe that while some of the cities may pose a threat, for the most part all of them are trying to learn as we are from various visitations, and connections to other cities.

Chaos Eclipse:
It’s our belief that the CE for short is a birth for the city, its how the city expands and grows, attempts to cap off or prevent these from occurring, creates rifts in the fabric of the city, and causes more damage, sometimes hard to repair. We believe that as the city grows, expands and adds for us, it morph’s into a size and shape it needs, in order to accommodate us.

Houses are Anchors. What we mean by that is simple, they are foundations that hold the city together, when houses close, or are closed, those chains are weakened, and cause an influx of chaotic energy unregulated throughout the city. Regardless of beliefs we will as a group work to ensure that houses remain open, and assist when we can in helping others open houses.

These dreamers have always been a mystery, much of what they say versus what they do, provides little substance to how they are able to do, things we otherwise can’t do. The mission of every Planer is to learn the mystery of what makes a specific dreamer and Elder, and to learn and teach the other citizens, so that the reliance on Elders themselves is limited.

This is one of the more advanced areas. The mechanics of this city is vastly different than each city within the shimmer, what that means is that perception and reality collide in Underlight, and that in turn gives substance to the things we perceive we can touch, see, taste, and the like. How we use primes, portals, and arts, fight, and interact with one another are examples of how perception can be seen from so many different viewpoints. When Planers work with Creationists, those ideas come together and the ability to transcend knowledge is achieved.

Signed Golah
Follower and Co-Leader of Planer Creationists.

Houseless group of Planesmiths and general experimenters


The first leader of prenumbra was Ravegeone.  Folko never was a part of an official group but he was a follower of Prelaid.  Ravegeone then betrayed Prelaid and grouped himself with Iden.  there was these two extream powers...Prenumbra and Iden.  for some reason when kabals left..prenumbras first goal was to weaken elders of the city to the point that they would dissapear.  Iden on other hand and his followers were damaging the walls of the houses. performing rituals and stuff.  after some time...facades start to crack and they all closed short after.  Prelaid returned when houses were destroyed and prenumbra reported that they used the artifact...corrupter of souls to break the wall in the city walls.  but when they attempted to do it...the portal appeared in that place...thats how citadel was found.  so...because there was a large amount of members of past OoSM and KoES in prenumbra..prelaid did this....he snaped the corrapter of souls in two for oosm and one for keepers, creating their primes out of the pieces.  PAMSWEETS and Purple Lace were the Leaders, other members included Intrigue, Sable, Black-Lotus, Rafe, WinterValentine, Kellergeister, and Jack of Shadows


A secretive group descended from The Kabal, also early Lyran era

Realms Watch

The Realms Watch was founded by the Elders of the Idoaclesian refugee's after their arrival in the city of Underlight.  Partially to protect their own people, but mainly designed and focused on protecting their new home.  The membership expanded notably, and included a number of Lyran and Between era dreamers, including Sabriela... Zaxun's Dreamstruck wife when she returned to the dream during the initial clash. The main force of the Realms Watch left the city of Underlight with the Illuminate vanguard and FreeSoul Templars, and have fought many battles across the dreamscape to protect other cities.

Sabriela rose to command the Realms Watch for a time, though stepped down recently to cede command to Tal'shiar, and assist Xun'rok with dreamstriking Zaxun.  The future of this group is unknown, as many threats still face them.

A group of Powerful Idoaclesians, built on the basis of the city guard.

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