A Study of Arts
Complied first by Loveslight and then Arlyana Jax
Each element within the City has a specific colour ascribed to its evoke.
DreamSoul = Pink (Locate Dreamer, Sense Dreamers, Misdirection, House Arts)
Chaos = Chalk (Random, Teaching Arts, Ruler/Guardian Arts)
Will = Gold (Meditation, Free Action, Resist Fear, Ward, Protection)
Insight = Jade (Newly Awakened, Sense Datoken, Identify)
Resilience = Light Jade (Restore, Purify, Essence Arts)
Lucidity = Purple (Trail, Deafen, Scare)
Defensive Arts
Each sphere ascribes a colour to the riser of non-offensive arts for the focus that learns it first.
Unsphered = Chalk
First = Pink
Second = Gold
Third = Light Jade
Fourth = Jade
Fifth = Purple
Sixth = Blue
Compiled by Arlyana Jax

Offensive arts:
This part of alchemy is the most challenging. Offensive arts are not represented by only two colours like their non-offensive counterparts. Not only can the full evoke 'spire' not be witnessed by the evoker, but mass effect evokes cannot be held, thus making it difficult to see the subtleties of the evokes.Each 'spire' has a base that is usually made up of at least 3 colours, with Razorwind being an exception as the only 7th sphere art.
The colour of the 'column' of the spire adheres to the colours of its predominant focus (DreamSoul, Will, Insight, Resilience, Lucidity).
Push: DreamSoul column with an unsphered (chalk) base
Deafen: Lucidity column with an unsphered (chalk) base with chalk 'sparkles' throughout.
Scare: Lucidity column with a first sphere (pink and ruby) base with ruby 'sparkles' throughout.